Help: do these look okay?


Well-Known Member
I don't know man, look like they've got a good while to go. Six weeks at least I'd guess.

Those hardly even look like pot man, look at all those single blade leaves!


Well-Known Member
They seem fine, don't have an idea how much longer until harvest... And yeah, what the hell is that strain? I've never seen leaves like that.


Active Member
iv had that happen u have normal leves and they brach in single leves.....idk id let it still grow till harvest....funny lookn plant i think its gota do with soil and lighting,,,,, i had this and just let it grow and croped it.... the strain was super silver haze SSH .... idk dude


Well-Known Member
i would get a pocket microscope from radio shack. 15 buks and you can see the triclones on the buds. When half of the triclones are amber color its done. Good Smoking


Im not sure exactly what strain it is. When the leaves werent all jacked it looked like an Indica. It may be due to the heat it looks like that??? We've been hitting over 100 degrees everyday lately. Its was planted in January sometime and the other Sativa was picked like 3 weeks ago. Heres some pics from this afternoon....



Well-Known Member
dude calm down give those babies some mollasses and bloom fertz....and keep going they'll be pimp!!!......or you can just give em' to me LOL