Help! does anyone know what this is?


Well-Known Member
Sounds like this...

no one had the answer for him either...

possibly it is time release fertilizer prills.... after absorbing water over time they have grown... ?.

Slug eggs look similar to that as well. The spider web type texture makes me think a pest of some sort. But it could be that the time release prills are full of beneficial goodness that makes web to distribute nutrients. I'm not much of an organic guy, excuse my amateur language. Whatever that web like stuff is that surrounds roots to better uptake nutrients. Rhizosphere? Mykos? idk.


Active Member
well im using fox farm light warrior and roots organic 707 formula. do either of those have time release fertilizer? and i think they way too small for slugs or snails. The roots do look good though. I'm not sure what to think


Well-Known Member
I'd like to see em under a microscope..maybe some fungus body. Might not be bad.


Well-Known Member
I would do a Azamax drench immediately, just in case they are eggs of some sort. I never saw anything quite like it........


Active Member
I would do a Azamax drench immediately, just in case they are eggs of some sort. I never saw anything quite like it........
yea insect egg is another thing i thought. Any ideas as to what pest it could be? also im trying to grow 100% organic, what exactly is azamax made of


Well-Known Member
Weird, those little balls were on the soil in my outdoor raised bed, I assumed it was some kind of mycorizi cause of how uniform it was, and never really saw any bugs hatch from it


Well-Known Member
yea insect egg is another thing i thought. Any ideas as to what pest it could be? also im trying to grow 100% organic, what exactly is azamax made of
Azamax is neem derived. I do believe it is considered organic... It is a less broad version of neem oil with increased strength, from what I understand.
Ime, Azamax is pretty harsh on the root system. I hear people recommend it as a drench on RIU often, but from my experience, I would not recommend it as a soil drench.
I prefer Evergreen Pyrethrum Concentrate. The formula without PBO is organic. The formula with PBO is not organic.

Do you have a scope?

The other post I saw on this said that they opened some of them up and they were full of the web-like stuff. Weird. There are not many things like this you cannot figure out with a little spare time and google. This is one of them, apparently. Some folks on gardenweb had no answer either... ?.