I've been having a similar issue, but not from over watering. My situation was the opposite, I had been under watering. I am no expert on soil, but last week my babies looked similar with the stems bending down, drooping leaves. I think over watering causes the leaves to curl down and under. Also when I felt the leaves on my babies I could tell they were kind of dry. What I did was I started watering (using FF grow big) until I got a little bit of runoff out of the drain holes, then I started checking the soil every few days and watering. After about 5 days, they all perked up and are looking much better. Everyone on here recommends letting your soil dry before watering. The top inch or so dries fast, below that it takes a little more time. I'm noticing, it's not so good to let them get bone dry a few inches below the surface. I feel down a few inches in the soil and I water when the moisture doesn't feel wet, but kind of feels cold (I really can't explain it). Anyways, I'm not sure if you are over or under watering just giving my $0.02.