help droopy plant in flower stage??

`SoA || Asi

Well-Known Member
what u think i coulda overwatered but the soil looks very dry i havint feed any real nutes yet could that be it atm iv been on a 13/11 light but know im just gonna try 24/7 it may not have been having enough light? its in 3 litre just juice bottle :)

its a auto power skunk:shock:



Active Member
The leaves will droop from under watering as well. I actually like to wait untill they just start to droop then water. My babies seem to love it. I would wrap something around that bottle, the roots should be kept in the dark. Why 13/11? Your plants have already started flowering and switching to 24/7 would cause them to re-veg. I would keep them on 12/12. I would also give them some nutes, it looks like they're wanting some nitrogen.


Active Member
DJ this plant wont re-veg as it is an auto flow which want as much light as they can get. everything else you said is spot on though your plants roots shouldn't see light its not good for them and I to wait til my plants leaves just start to droop from being dry then water her, I also lift the pot to check the weight (heavy=Wet, Lite=Dry) you should definitely be giving her nutes tho :mrgreen:


Active Member
Hey bro those roots look great but I have to agree that plants roots should be in the dark... Thats why pots are colors that dont let in the light :)
I would just get some 8 litre pots or something from the warehouse they would do a great job.
As far as feeding goes they look nice and green so I would start feeding with a high phosphorus flowering fert as my mate did an experiment with autos where in 2 plants he fed with some veg nutes at the start and then bloom nutes and 2 other plants only had bloom nutes and the bunch that had the high N veg nutes grew alot more leaf and produced more cabby buds as they focused more on leaf production.. I don't have any experience growing autos though so hopefully I can grab me some off attitude seeds for a try at growing them :) Maybe this would be a good question for kiwiskunk as hes grown some autos.

+REP for the good effort :clap:


Well-Known Member
that plant is rootbound, you should cut off that bottle and put in in a slightly larger container (cut, because its a bitch to get those off usually. and cut very gently with very sharp knife, dont hurt the roots much, if at all, but check if the plant doesnt just slide easily out before you attempt cutting. (not too difficult though)

if the plants keep on drooping like that, even if freshly watered or not quite bonedry, they are usually (100% for me so far) root bound.

it wont need much extra soil, maybe an inch or an half, flowering plants dont grow much roots, but being rootbound will stunt it nonetheless.

its better to water before plants get droopy,btw, just figure out what how heavy the pot is at the right time, easiest way. and you should completely drench your soil till runoff comes out the bottom, preferably quite a bit of runoff, flushing the soil bit and completely saturating the soil, allowing the roots to completely fill the rootzone, not just concentrating on the bottom of the container.

nice looking plant btw


Well-Known Member
Has she picked up now bro? how did that la diva plant turn turn out, do you keep a journal I couldnt see it