help! faded spots on leaves


Well-Known Member

there are a few leaves that look like this but only a few (also seen in the background)

i need an experienced pov for this. it looks like a mag def or ph problem (based on google search) but i can't really be too sure since it only applies to a few leaves.

help! need advice.


Well-Known Member
I see Mg def. I would do 3/4tsp/gal epsom salt. I see a crunchy leaf below that. A photo of more of the plant would help. What stage of growth? Do you let the soil dry very well between waterings (it should feel alarmingly light if you lift the container).


Active Member
Yeah it could be the mg but how many ppm's are you feeding if you're underfeeding you can just raise your ppm's to a more beneficial level this is my hardcore pov :clap:


Well-Known Member
Better pics wouls help. Mag def, root bound, under fed are all options right now from a picture of one leaf.