HELP FAST! I think my plant started to flower in 24/0 first grow


New Member
my pistols have been looking different all week. and extremely different from when i started there are these long white points that come out where the pistols are. my pistols are all almost orange like a red hair on a nug. heres a pic.
am i flowering? and if so what do i do as i only have about a 100$ for flower lighting. please help! i dont wnat to ruin anything as this plant is high end and reallly healthy other than i dont know what im looking for.
its been on 24/0 its 9 weeks. its a clone



Active Member
one minute and i have an answer. i fucking Love RIU thanks guys
i was planning on veggeing out to 28" im close to 20 now. i'll be good to go for that long?
Sure you can veg till 28" no problem, She's ready to flower whenever you are !
Good luck !


New Member
Thank You Buddy!
Where should i start with flowering lights? for this one plant obviously. i'll upgrade in a month when my others are ready as well.
but for now ive got about a 100$ spare to put up for some extra supplys.
any dirrection?
thanks, :)


Active Member
Please just do some reading my friend.
I can not believe your plant is that big and you have no idea what is going on.
You will not get nearly as much information from just asking a forum.
Go hit up youtube, there are so many good videos there to help you out.

There are to many people that want their weed handed to them on a platter.
Do your own research.


New Member
Keep in mind when you flip to 12/12 your plant will at least double in size if not more.
yea my box is 8 foot tall. and ive got a 2 bedroom house with a garage storage room laundry room etc. ive got all the room in the world for monsters.


New Member
Please just do some reading my friend.
I can not believe your plant is that big and you have no idea what is going on.
You will not get nearly as much information from just asking a forum.
Go hit up youtube, there are so many good videos there to help you out.

There are to many people that want their weed handed to them on a platter.
Do your own research.
hey i appreciate it man.
buttttttttt, i have been reading and i couldnt find a solid answer. as i stated in my verry first poist. ive been watching these pistols change. its not like i woke up in fucking shock liek oh shit what happenned,
thanks though.
and if youd ask me theres more retards on youtube than walmarts payroll.


New Member
Please just do some reading my friend.
I can not believe your plant is that big and you have no idea what is going on.
You will not get nearly as much information from just asking a forum.
Go hit up youtube, there are so many good videos there to help you out.

There are to many people that want their weed handed to them on a platter.
Do your own research.
&& unless you want to hand me that weed on a platter then fuck off i dont need your bullshit here. i need input. you know..... Listening? Learning?


Well-Known Member
Hmm, $100 isn't alot for the size plant you want to grow. You're kinda going beyond the capabilities of fluorescents but I imagine if you buy enough they might work. Problem is getting enough penetration into the canopy.


Active Member
There are definitely many retards pretty much everywhere lol.
The george certvantes videos are pretty good, even though it seems old school, the basic information is presented very well, I definitely had a good start from watching him.


New Member
Hmm, $100 isn't alot for the size plant you want to grow. You're kinda going beyond the capabilities of fluorescents but I imagine if you buy enough they might work. Problem is getting enough penetration into the canopy.
im gonna have to balls it up then.
whats the cheapest absoloute cheapest ballast you could think of for a 400w hps. ive got the hood used 80$ from a shop in town. and the bulb for 21$ at home depot. but i just need a ballast for now as i can upgrade and buy adjustable bladdy bladdy blah whenever i get the extra cash in a month or so.


New Member
There are definitely many retards pretty much everywhere lol.
The george certvantes videos are pretty good, even though it seems old school, the basic information is presented very well, I definitely had a good start from watching him.
oh hel yea they have the jorge ones on here in newbie central under beginer videos. and ive watch those three sections 2 or 3 times now. the first time was when i was in construction of my seedlings. a month ago. now ive got 9 maintained females and a couple clones in the dome so ive read and learnead enough so far with jorge being my verry first start.
i mean its crazy how quickly you can develop a green thumb
i had my first seedling that sprouted get a pretty good drop of water in the center developing pedals. so i went to blow it off. sure enough it fucking snapped that bitch in half and it fell over like a tree. made it a splint and well. it still looks beautiful. went to cut the splint off and made a 1" slit in the center of my stem trying to peel them tape off. FUCK ithought, knowing it just healed and i was taking her cast off. 4 days later peeled the splint off and a few days later today she still grow like a monsta!!!!!


Active Member
Keep in mind when you flip to 12/12 your plant will at least double in size if not more.
I used to buy into this too. It's good for general rules though that they can double or triple in height, especially good to say when yur dealing with an unknown strain. There are some that only go about a foot taller after flipping.
What strain is it grrouch? I'm currently growing LA Confidential, and it only grows an aditional foot during flower. Of course different phenotypes will have different effects. Knowing what you have will make it so more help can be given.