help fast +REP

oz high

If these plants were not allready struck this would be anatural reaction.Next time try plastic surrounding them for the first 12 -24 hours and it often prevents the drooping


Active Member
i am using FFOF, and am going to put in big bloom my next water, do you think thats okay?


Well-Known Member
Do you have a EC meter? if not then i suggest you buy one.
As for the nutes why are you using bloom? Your still vegging arnt you ??

Just remember you can kill a plant with love......Build all your feed up slowly.. I always underfeed slightly, dont ask why its just something i feel works better for me..


Active Member
i dont have an EC meter, but big bloom is micro nutrients and is supposed to be used in veg stage, when flower stage comes ill put in tiger bloom, but ya i know about the amount, i am only going to use 1/4 the normal amount


Well-Known Member
Your problems will be a lot easier to manage when you get a EC meter at the moment it is just guessing the amount of nutes.
Once you get them on a routine, consistant diet they wil thrive..