Help finding a name for the mutt

Bad news he came up sick and we took him to the vet, he has Parvo.
He's staying with the vet and I'm crossing my fingers that he'll survive.
So sad.......

With lots of liquids and good care, caught early, Parvovirus is quite survivable nowadays. As long as you got him in early and they've got him hydrated the chances are good dogs will make it now, even pups stand a better chance.

Our current dog was exposed to Parvovirus at the Animal Shelter we got him from. He was little more than a puppy himself and they just left him exposed in an outdoor kennel to die. I couldn't care for a dog but we took him home anyway and well he's still with us a year later. I hope your pup will fare as well.
Hey dirt the pup looks awesome.... obviously made it through the parvo outbreak it had, congrats. What did you finally name him? Looks like he's gonna be big. Not a corgie like mentioned before. Stay high.
He's all well and full of mustard and piss.
Settled on calling him Dozer short for Bulldozer.
The Vet says Corgi mix we'll see, the avatar picture I took last night and he's 3 months old approx.
He's got me outta bed before 6am every morning, so much for sleeping in LOL!!
Love it, great name. Looks like a pup I would love to add to my pack. Got 5 dogs, I'm up early all the time. Congrats again!!! Stay high.
Love the name Dozer. Remember Fraggle Rock? all the little Dozers running around in hard-hats and tool belts, building the rock candy structures? They were awesome.
He's all well and full of mustard and piss.
Settled on calling him Dozer short for Bulldozer.
The Vet says Corgi mix we'll see, the avatar picture I took last night and he's 3 months old approx.
He's got me outta bed before 6am every morning, so much for sleeping in LOL!!

He looks great! I'm crossing my fingers for you hoping Corgi mix. How do his paws look?
1. Snoop
2. Cheech
3. Chong

Nevermind! Dozer is a good name too. Looks like he might have some Berner in him. There are varieties of border collies with similar markings as well, and that might be more likely, but I guess you'll find out.
His paws are funny, the front are huge and webbed and his rear are 1/2 as big.
Real smart and very well behaved for a puppy, we'll see in a few month as to how big he'll get. this link works... it's corgie hybrids... dozer doesn't appear to look like any of them. Not that it matters what kinda dog he is, he's still awesome. Stay high.