Help finding an indoor solution


Active Member
I ran into a problem recently with trying to find a suitable area within oregon to grow my crop. I've got the seeds, clones are in the ready, and everything for a bad ass indoor soil set-up....only I have no house. I had a hookup to a place, that went to shit after I already bought the things that I needed.

Now I'm having a fat run around.

I can't find a house that is actually affordable within the oregon area. I'm fully legit, but I have only like $6,500 to get started. I have a family of 4 (wife and 2 kids) and am having a hard time finding a house to rent with a basement or a garage for under $900.

I have a 2 weeks notice in at work already and I kind of have to stick with that.

SO: I need to figure out how to make my set up work in whatever situation that I'm in. My set up is kind of big, giant carbon filter, 3 1000 watt HPS, 1 1000 W MH, among a Co2 burner, dehumidifier, and enviro controls to go along with that.

Are houses the only option here or what? Apartments would never work, my carbon filter is too big, I'd never keep my grow stealth that way. What else works? I need kind of a 2 or 3 bedroom home. 3 w/o basement or garage, or 2 bedrooms with the basement and garage.

Besides rental houses, what else can work for a grow op? Manufactured homes? Inside or outside trailor parks? Duplexes? Townhouses? Seriously, I need some suggestions on how to make this grow work in whatever kind of home I can afford to get.

If you had 6.5k and a decent soil set up like this, what kind of place would you try to get and how long would you stay there before upgrading? I'm thinking like a harvest or two is all that I need to move up to a better place, but that means that I need to find a place for at least 6-8 months w/o being busted by my renter and kicked out for growing or something.

Also; I've been craigslisting like a motherfucker.

Added info: I'd assume that between me and my girlly, we make about $1600-1800 a month if we both worked full time jobs. Could we afford a place that was like $900-$1000 or what should we do....?


Well-Known Member
only looked for 2 minutes , but there are lots of houses for rent in your price range on craigslist. you need a roof over your head more than you need a grow. that 65 hundy would make a nice down payment on your own place. good luck


well you need a bedroom size room for that set up at min. and depending on strain w/ co2 and if everything goes right you should expect anywhere from 1.5-2.5 lbs per 1000 watt hps. i would stay away from apts for the most part. some townhouses or duplexs may work. as long as your ventalation is good your big carbon filter should take care of the smell but are you going to run 12 in exaust fans? i have a simmallar set up and thats what i use... so you have to make sure the sound is under control.. but i would highly recommend a house and for upgrading it takes a while. if you can get 6lbs per 3-4 months depending on strain so it takes years in some cases and months in others. gl with finding a house it took me about 4 months to find one that would work. and dont forget the elec bill its a bitch about 75 per month per 1000.

violator kush

Active Member
A. look around some more for a grow spot, B. look around more for a house/apt, "son open your eyes, in the islands, u would be shark food"


Well-Known Member
Well Idk how your credit is but if you are a 1st time buyer you could get a FHA loan and buy a house that is like $ maybe that is an option, though it wont happen in 2 weeks. A double wide trailor should be cheap too and may have the room you need, though bedrooms are smaller....even an apartment would work if you had an ecobox which destroys odors and uses advanced photocatalytic oxidation and a lil ozone but not enough to hurt the plants. I don't have a carbon filter or exhaust and so far it is doing the they are $325 through my mold company but I can get you a discount cuz you are a member here and I like helping people...but around here everything is around $1100 a month...though I rent a 2 bedroom house....we got a great deal. I wish you the best on your mission.


Active Member
I might have a connect to a manufactured home on a small bit of land, but the guy wants ME to find a rental application online, as well as provide my own credit check. The guy sounds lazy, but whatever. I found the credit score online (with the free annual credit check report), but I'm only finding Oregon Lease contracts and not application contracts. If anyone can give me a leg up on finding a rental application online, that would be sweet. I might just "apply" for a house nearby and jack one of those applications. Anyways, thank you guys for your help