Help Finding Kens GDP Or Better GDP Cut In Norcal


Well-Known Member
Greetings folks I was hoping someone would point me to a collective that has a good cut ATM I'm using one from oaksterdam( apothicary ) just need 1 good one to mom any help would be great thanks


Well-Known Member
harborside in oakland ususally has kens gdp or gdp from different breeders.

i have personally grown kens gdp indoors and i've found that its a very low producer compared to other gdp strains.

it does taste nice and grapy and turns a pretty hue of purple, but the yield is embarrassing compared to other gdp varieties out there.


Well-Known Member
Harbourside collective in Oakland. There fucking official man.!! I got GDP and Blue dream and they are both on point !


Active Member
he has a shop in sanjose, u can drive down there and get a REAL cut of it, most that u will find aren't "kens" cut though claim to be. And contrary to some's opinion, it is a great yielding plant , if u have a legit cut. Just google kens grand dad , and you'll get an address!