Help! First Grow!


Help! First Grow

I'm not sure what's happening here. It started off fine, white pistals or w/e. Then i started noticing single balls, no banana shit or anything, just balls with orange hairs coming out. They look like seeds forming, right? Did my female get pollinated, or is this a hermie? Either way, this is from a shit bag of seeds i got online and i can only plant 1 at a time because of space reasons and this is already 2 months in, so if it's just seeds, i guess i'll prolly just pluck 'em out and keep growing it, even tho it'll be schwag. Some weed is better than none, right? Next time i'll spend $ on better seeds.

Any help? Thanks!


Mazar i Shariff

Active Member
Yes, you just pulled pollen sacs that had not yet fully developed. Had you left them on there, they would have begun to open up like a flower and release large amounts of pollen. Your buds are very small & undeveloped, too. What week are you on? Are they getting enough light during 12 hours on (HPS?) and are they completely dark during the 12 hour dark period? A lot of beginners do not put their plants in 100% darkness, and it is this leak of light during that period that causes them to hermie, as well as go undeveloped and yield low.

My recommendation would be to pull pollen sacs & banana pistols on the buds if/when they develop, and keep them going as long as you can without serious seed production. This can happen quick tho, so moniter them and keep a close eye. When they have reached the peak weight/potency you feel you have, then pull them and smoke what you can, or if the seeds or lack of potency become too much of a hassle, just make hash or hash oil out of your final product and buy a sac of some dank to smoke it with and enjoy the earthshaking headhigh hash can bring to the table! :)

Hope this helps brotha! Best of luck, and I hope you have better luck with whatever new seeds you end up purchasing in the future! Investing in top of the line strains/genetics is the best way to start growing for the long run and putting out quality, medical-grade medicine!



Mazar :fire:


It is difficult to tell for sure with the blurry pic, but the second picture appears to be of a couple of seeds growing- I assume the third pic is of the seeds you have removed, if they didn't just fall or pop right out then they are still immature. The first picture has what looks to me like a male nut growing on the other side of the view, just underneath that leave? maybe its just something else... anyways I hope you find the cause before other plants get preggers too! Good luck, j


I think this is the 2nd or start of the third week of flower. I let them veg for about 45 days on 18/6 before switching to 12/12. They're in an unused room, and in a closed closet at that, so i don't think any light is getting to them during the dark period. Are better strain seeds or auto's easier to grow? Ideally, i just want to grow fast, easy smoke that's potent. Yield isn't too much of a concern. I'll keep an eye on it for another couple weeks and see what happens.
