Help! First Time AK47 Outdoor Grower Asks for Tips


hey there guys!
i stumbled upon this site and it seems awesome, a lot of stoners who knows what they talk about. anyways i'm a first time grower so hopefully you guys could help me out.

i started growing two AK47 bagseed plants.
germination took couple of days (3-4).
plantation occurred about 3-4 weeks ago.
one plant died about a week ago because it's root kept on growing upwards.

my plant is grown outside my window getting quite a bit of direct sunlight during the morning hours but by noon there's no direct light anymore.
temperature is about 37C, and it's pretty damn dry: humidity is at about 20%.
sunrise: 6:00, sunset: 19:00
i water (tap water that sat for 24 hrs) everyday/every other day, depends on how the soil feels.
the plant gets quite a bit of strong wind so i put on supporters, but i understand wind is good for the growth of the stem.

my questions are:
1. is it normal the bottom leaves get brown spots? it seems like sunburn.
2. when should i transplant it? the medium is pretty small and i noticed one or two roots that had already reached the bottom part (not sure you can see it in the photo).

i attached a few pictures so all you pros out there could give me some pointers/hints and let me know if i'm heading the right direction or not.

cheers guys and happy growing to all!



Well-Known Member
u dont need the supports yet its still small enough where u dont need them and I would wait another week and a half to transplant or untill u can see a net work of roots at the bottom of your pot but u put supports on plants when they need them when they start falling over, drooping etc.


cheers mate for the quick response, damn u guys are fast :)

i'll do that, do u have any other pointers for me at this stage?
am i doing alright?
what about the climate, is it suitable for AK47 grow?


Well-Known Member
well it seems like the climate is doing good cause your plant is doing good dont worry to much about things if there not already wrong. your plant will tell u when theres something wrong with it all u can do is know what to do to prevent these problems and know how to correct them if something does go wrong