Help first time dwc white widow 250whps 21 days flower


Morning folks 1st time here need some advice had this problem for 2 days now cant seem to figure whats going on shes WW, 22 days flower 250w hps DWC GH nutes / plant magic cal mag, ph always stable low ppm aswell , SOME BUDS COVERED IN WHITE HAIRS OTHERS LOOK RECEDING/NONE AT ALL? views please? : ) DSCF0635[1].jpgDSCF0634[1].jpgDSCF0633[1].jpgDSCF0631[1].jpgDSCF0630[1].jpgDSCF0629[1].jpgDSCF0628[1].jpgDSCF0625[1].jpgDSCF0627[1].jpgDSCF0603[1].jpgDSCF0602[1].jpg


I don't see difference in your pictures? What are your temps? tips of leaves are curling upward in some pics. You have a big bush of a plant there, 250 might not be enough light to get to some of your lower flowers, might be why only some of your sites are accelerating over others you may want to think about trimming back some fan leaves, just my .02


Well-Known Member
Hey at first glance i can see that you air temperature is slightly too hot because the edges of your leaves are slightly curled up but not curled down so your humidity is right. I can tell that the temperature at the top of your plant is too hot but the middle is perfect (thats why the middle leaves have no curling) Second, those other hairs are turning brown and receding because you are not providing them with enough light. Looks like it was blocked by leaves above it as well as poor air circulation through the plant canopy.

I would cut out that brown bud at the base of the stalk where it meets the main stalk and add an oscillating fan. DO NOT remove any fan leaves attached to stalks with growing buds. Instead cut out the small branches from the main stalk with crappy small buds inside the plant to allow for better air circulation and light penetration. They are not going to develop anyway.


Instead cut out the small branches from the main stalk with crappy small buds inside the plant to allow for better air circulation and light penetration. They are not going to develop anyway.
I will agree to disagree here, although I'm pretty sure this post is just a mistake of word usage. Removing lower "crappy buds" probably wont increase light penetration, because if anything these sites are fighting for light/nutes. (Kinda why they are at the bottom of the plant, yes?) and a flower the size of your thumbnail doesnt really block much airflow. I will 100% agree that removal of these sites will help direct energy to more important areas of your plant. Another theory is your ppm level could be too low for this stage of your plant, and smaller flower sites are dying/suicide to focus energy to the best flower sites of the plant. It doesn't look like you did any training of your plant and allowed it to veg naturally. As another small-footprint grower (150-300whps) It is my opinion that you trim your plant to isolate your flower sites for optimal light and air conditions.


hey guys thanks for the replies, im going to trim her a little but not much as its nearly week 4 flowering and trying to find a quiet fan as at the moment im only using the negative air flow cause by the carbon filter at the top sucking and a vent at the bottom pulling. raised the light a little today and @ situation 430 what do you mean they are going brown and receding because there's not enough light? the middle and lower part of her is perfect its weird man the main cola's at the top are the hairless ones? thanks :)


Well-Known Member
The reason the are turning brown is because the air around the leaves is not being replaced by new fresher air, those buds are blocked by the leaves around it. What I meant by trim away all the small buds inside is that you can look at the stems and see which ones are the main transport stems and which ones branch off of the main stems. They are not contributing to their own growth or the overall growth of the plant. What you want to do is look at your main stem and go up. From there follow the thicker branches until you reach the top of the plant. Along the way up you are going to find a number of small scrawny branches that look much smaller than the ones around it with only a few small leaves and nodes that are very far apart and a small poofy flowers at the end. Those are the ones you want to clip off right at the base where it joins the primary stems. By doing this you allow for more air circulation and light penetration through your plant. It also allows the plant to more efficiently distribute the carbohydrates that it produces in the leaves. If you use an oscillating fan that blows air through the plant it removes old used up air with no CO2 and replaces it with new fresh air containing CO2 necessary for photosynthesis. Basically the cells in that part of the plant are telling them to die off and focus more energy to the primary flowers. You are simply speeding up this process by just cutting them away because there is not much time during flowering for the plant to do this themselves.

Also how are you using your cal mag and what do u do to mix your nutrient solution?


Yo, cheers ill give her a good haircut in the morning :) do you not think its a little late tho (nearly 4 weeks now) ?, i think I've hacked the circulation situation now thanks and with the cal mag i'm mixing into the nutes solution, do you think i should foilar feed? if so would this not lower the ppm more? thanks : d


Yo, cheers ill give her a good haircut in the morning :) do you not think its a little late tho (nearly 4 weeks now) ?, i think I've hacked the circulation situation now thanks and with the cal mag i'm mixing into the nutes solution, do you think i should foilar feed? if so would this not lower the ppm more? thanks : d
and im using my air-stone to thoroughly mix all that shizz about : P


Well-Known Member
Your cal mag has nitrogen in it and is going to reduce the size of your buds and should only be used during veg. Below is what I wrote to some one else about their cal mag and a lot of people seemed to like it. Also don't foliar feed after the first and second weeks of flowering or you are going to get mold and mildew. Your ppm should be around 1200-1400 and your ph should be between 5.8 and 6.2

Your adding the cal mag wrong. When your RO water comes out it will be at around 7.0 pH and 10-30 ppm depending on its efficiency. In a mater of minutes that ph will drop to 6.0 to 6.5 due to carbon dioxide in the air interacting with the water molecules creating carbonic acid. First thing you should do is add the cal mag until your ppm reaches 160 ppm to create a nice buffer for your nutrients. Then mix in your fertilizers and let it rest for about 10 minutes. After that adjust your ph to 5.8 to 6.2 depending on whether it tends to drift up or down. (5.8 if it goes up, 6.2 if it goes down, usually it goes down if using co2. Then just apply it to your plants. Don't follow the instructions on bottles when it comes to how much to use, judge it based on your plants. The directions on the bottles are usually the maximum amount possible to encourage you to use more of their products faster. Figure out how much cal mag you need to get your ppm to 150-160 if you can. I use about 2 ml per gallon of water and my ppm is at 150 before adding my nutrients. Typically the cal mag is used to buffer solutions and is only used in veg if it contains nitrogen. During veg you can get away with following the instructions on the bottle but even that is a little high. I go with half of what they recommend for hydroponics use and supplement the additional nutrients with AN grow parts A+B, b-52, voodoo juice, a little bud candy, and beneficial bacteria. You will never have another problem with nutrients if you learn how to use beneficial bacteria correctly and keep your ph correct.