HELP - first time grower needs help!


Active Member
the first pic is my tent with the t5 lights lowered just above the tops of the seedlings.

the second image is a shot of the plants in the drip system. i sit the rockwool cubes on small containers so that they dont touch any water.

the third image is a picture of the roots of the sick plant.

the fourth image is a picture of the roots of a healthy plant.

any suggestions?



New Member
i think you should use less nutes. with as big as those cubes are, you will hold plenty of nutes in there on your first drip cycle. then the plant will take what it needs and leave the rest to sit. the problem is that the unused nutes will stay in the soaked rockwool and not seep out. after that happens you will have a nute lock of def. you need some hydroton.


Active Member
i was thinking of flushing my plants with distilled water. do you think that will help? if so how do i flush my rockwool cubes? this is confusing becasue the other plants do not look like this. should i just water them with distilled water that is ph adjusted for now?


Active Member
the one sick plant does not seem to be getting better. its still growing but the brown spots are still there. i will take a few pics this weekend and post them.​


New Member
Pics will help us help YOU! help us help you help us help you help us help you help us help you.

Lets kick this sick plant right in the roots!


Well-Known Member
hey buddy thats a nute burn if ive ever seen one. lay off the nutes and flush with clean water for a couple days and see if it improves. you see the brown edging around the leaf???? thats too many nutrients in the leaves and then they get burned by your light. hope things get better i had the same problem when i did my first grow put full nutes at the germinating stage and got the exact same problem your dealing with. no worries just flush:)


Well-Known Member
and to flush just run clean phd water throught the plant that is showing the nutrient burn. do that for a few days and then go to 1/4 strength nutrients.