Help. First Time Growing Seed in Hydro System


mmj 034.jpgmmj 035.jpgmmj 038.jpgmmj 037.jpgI have 6 seed i planted in a Hydro system. i stared to give them a 1/4 strength nutrient feed at 14 days old (since germanation started) for every three hours. the leafs started to yellow at tips in about 3 days. I waited and thought might be lack of feed. so i added another 1/4 strenth nutrient feed to the resevoir. problem not going away and now all the side tips of the leaf and the vary tip too started to point up show signs of heat strees (my room temp is 75), showing salt build up or lack of watering. i started watering every 45min for 15min. PLZ HELP!


Well-Known Member
Hey suke, that looks pH related well almost everything is so. So anyways, what are your measures?


Well-Known Member
when growing hydro, an EC/TDS meter is a must. get one or use it if you have it, and tell us what your EC is, and of course pH.


The pH was at 7.4 then i increased my solution strength to 1/2 from 1/4. Then the pH was 6.7 and then i added pH down and now my pH is at 6


Well-Known Member
I'm really happy with the one by H&M (hope i got the name right)

in hydro systems your pH should be 5.6-5.8. outside this range you will have problems such as this one. you should probably do some reading :)


when growing hydro, an EC/TDS meter is a must. get one or use it if you have it, and tell us what your EC is, and of course pH.
i got the EC/TDS tester and my testing came out to... PPM-1570. EC- 786 and the pH was 5.7. MY water temp was 70F. Keep in mind that my plants are 21 days old since the start of the germination. So are the levels ok guys or i need to do something about it


Well-Known Member
you must have confused and meant ppm 786/EC1570.

it's too high imo for your size of plants, and sounds like you had an overfeeding. flush your plants with only water for a few waterings, then start feeding again at half than that. see where that takes you. and stay alert on pH.


So i changed out the water and flushed everything out. then i added 1/4 Sensi Grow by Advanced Nutrients but this time with out Voodoo Juice and B-52
Now my reading are ppm-500. EC-1003. pH 5.8 and water temp-70.3F
So you think thats ok because i added a lil to much pH DOWN at first so i had to use pH UP to balance it out and ended up with these readings
The first ones were ppm-439. EC-879. pH-6.8 before adding to much pH DOWN to get it to 5.8 wish i did it right the first time. is there something i can get that will add pH down or up electicaly so i dont have to do it by hand? And it gotta be something hand held not wall mounted


Well-Known Member
i can tell you the nutes I use (coco by HESI) take my RO water (that comes at 7.0) down to 6.0 (@1000EC) with no need for adjustments.

perhaps your water is hard is why you have trouble with this. however there is no better way that i know of other than pH down. just be more careful next time :)


Thank you. Is there something that i can get that would clean my water like yours? But not something wall mounted unless thats the only kind there is.


this is my other account that i like more. and my avotar is what in about to grow. can u guess what it is. I'll give you a hint, the strain of seeds are from T H SEEDS. Vary famous


Well-Known Member
lol sorry i'm not a strain connoisseur :)

to clean your water you need an RO machine, there are other kinds of filters you can put on your tap (like ones for washing machines), but imo they don't help much. you can also use a brita filter, likewise. You don't have to mount an RO machine on the wall you can place it on the floor, it's just less comfortable. or you can buy distilled/RO water in bottles, but that will cost.


K. Im gnna look in to getting something. im about to test the water too. I have my 600w lamp 2 feet way. is that ok???


Yea i changed the water again because i added to much pH down the first time but now after adding 1/4 nutrients of only sensi grow A & B without the voodoo juice and B-52. when would be the best time to start adding the extras


Im waiting on my seeds but in worried they gonna turn out male. Is there something i can buy to turn to sex in to female? im also planning on mating plants. gotta read like you side


Well-Known Member
they say that dutch master's penetrator + reverse can help you get more fems

also, in veg, esp week 3-4: blue light over red light, low temps over high, high N over low, 14-16 daylight time over 24/0 and some more can also help with that

but i don't what of that is true.