help! firt time... sexing.. pics!!


Well-Known Member
cant tell anything from that pic sorry, only that u need a better cam :) haha, j/k

how old is it?

better pics are necessary i thinks.....


Well-Known Member
to be honest,

it looks a bit young to show any signs.

and the pics still need to be slightly clearer.


Active Member

its about a month... i was just looking at it and it looks like small sacks or balls at the base where you might think it would be male so i just wanted to make sure


Well-Known Member
are the balls forming at the nodes (where the branch of a leaf meets the stem)?

if they are small it may still be a female. thought one of my girls was a boy and nearly tossed it.

if you can upload any clearer pictures then do so, maybe someone else can determine the sex. but from that i can't....


Active Member
I found it hard to tell, in one picture it looked like it may be male. But it also seems like (and this may be picture quality) that there not even showing sex yet. But you will know when you see it, the females have white hairs where the branches meet the stock and on the top and sub-branches. The males dont, but they have sacs, if you see sacs cut them down immediately. You just have to give them some time to show their hairs if there female, you dont want to cut one of the ladies down on accident.

I know with my plants the males were fortunately pretty obvious, you have some time to find them though before they open. How long have you been growing them and flowering them?
Any chance at getting a better picture of where the branches meet and the top of the plant?



Well-Known Member
yea just give it time, it will show and it will be obvious.

they just need time, don't be too eager to find out.