Help Flowering room set up and grow. Detection concerns&methods


Well-Known Member
My friend is about to set up his flowering room which is about 8ftx8ftx8ft.
Just needed some advice on the set up or any additional input anyone could add would be greatly appreciated. He plans on using soil.

I first will address the most important questions he needs to be answered and then i will explain the further lay out of the room and its design. Thanks again.

*Firstly, he hopes to use 2 x 1000 watts HPS. If he lives in a large 2,500 sq ft (could be more- worst case scenario) house with at least 4 bedrooms (could even be considered 6 cause of extra rooms). Does anyone think that this could be a problem for heat detection or electricity wattage? He plans on air cooling the lights with at least a 300 cfm inline fan and exhausting the system with a can100 fan and carbon filter.

* The biggest question and concern is about the cops? obviously not wanting to get caught.. does this set up sound safe and if not what do you recommend doing? what can he do to prevent thermal detection and or electricity detection from the power company and 5-0. obviously he will be adding a few circulation fans.

*Secondly how many plants do you think he should do in this space for maximum yield and what techniques do you recommend using?

The plants will be vegged in a separate cabinet then placed into the flowering room.

These will be grown in soil and he hopes to produce maximum yield. He basically has a set plan but would like to know further advice. Here it goes:

Room- Walk in closet will be coated in flat white paint to be ultra reflective. Any other suggestions?

Lighting - He was thinking 2x 1000 watts hps that will have air cooled reflective hoods and will be cooled by a 200-300 cfm inline fan. What do you think and any suggestions on particular brands?

Ventilation - 2 fans maybe more depending on suggestions. He will cut holes in the door of the closet to properly fit fans. One exhaust fan near the top of the door probably a can100 with carbon filter which will exhaust around 700 cfm like one mentioned above and one in-take fan near the bottom probably moving around 300 cfm will be connected to the air cooled reflectors or hoods of both 1000w lights. How many cfm's do you think are required to properly control heat, odor, and proper airflow throughout the room? Also any particular brands suggestions will be appreciated. A portable ac unit may be added to cool down closet if need be. Oscillating fans 2-3 will be added in the room to properly circulate airflow throughout the room. Also a humidifier will be added to help control humidity.

Odor control - Will add a carbon filter to exhaust can100 fan model to the top of the door. Will probably just by the package deal. Or will purchase ozone generator or machine or whatever they are called to control smell or maybe both. What do u suggest for this size room? Any particular brands would be much appreciated.

That pretty much sums it up. If you have any more questions feel free to ask.

All advice or suggestions will be appreciated. Even critiques or negative views. He wants to do this the right way as he will go for ultimate yield and he wishes to also just have a fun and enjoyable experience through this journey. I know all of you are the right people to ask. Thanks for all your help, it is greatly appreciated.


Well-Known Member
tell your 'friend' he seems to have everything planned to perfection and that 'he' should start a grow journal when its all up and running. And tell 'him' good luck also and i wish 'him' huge nuggets!!


Well-Known Member
tell your 'friend' he seems to have everything planned to perfection and that 'he' should start a grow journal when its all up and running. And tell 'him' good luck also and i wish 'him' huge nuggets!!
Thanks i def will dread. What about detection from the cops? is two 1000 watters too much?and what can he do to prevent thermal detection? Also will all those watts for lights and fans tip off the power company with the sudden jump? that is what he is most concerned about. do you have any suggestions or advice?

Thanks again:weed:


Well-Known Member
well first off, i don't think you need worry about thermal cams, they usually only look for strange outlet vents in buildings according to the dont get busted/raided DVDs. And it also states that the Flur camera can't see through walls. Just try to vent either into another room or into an already used vent such as chimney or dryer outlet.
I'm running 2000w in a mother room plus 400w in a veg room with god-knows how many watts of fans etc running and i'm pretty sure as long as you make sure the bills get paid on time, nobody will bat an eyelid. Just say you have a few computers running or something if anyone asks. To keep costs down, turn off any unneccessary things using power. 2 1000w lights will drain a lot of power and create a lot of heat so be prepared if you need to vent more air. Personally, if you haven't bought the lights yet, i'd get 3 or 4 600w hps or better yet, invest in a light mover as i'm doing this week. These'll give you more grow space with the same lights. you could prob get away with just 1 1000w on a mover.


Well-Known Member
well first off, i don't think you need worry about thermal cams, they usually only look for strange outlet vents in buildings according to the dont get busted/raided DVDs. And it also states that the Flur camera can't see through walls. Just try to vent either into another room or into an already used vent such as chimney or dryer outlet.
I'm running 2000w in a mother room plus 400w in a veg room with god-knows how many watts of fans etc running and i'm pretty sure as long as you make sure the bills get paid on time, nobody will bat an eyelid. Just say you have a few computers running or something if anyone asks. To keep costs down, turn off any unneccessary things using power. 2 1000w lights will drain a lot of power and create a lot of heat so be prepared if you need to vent more air. Personally, if you haven't bought the lights yet, i'd get 3 or 4 600w hps or better yet, invest in a light mover as i'm doing this week. These'll give you more grow space with the same lights. you could prob get away with just 1 1000w on a mover.
Thanks again dread. Yeah he thought about just 1x 1000 watt but i always heard more watts=higher yield so thats why he had decided on 2x1000 watters. He also figured 2 1000's would be def sufficient to cover an 8x8x8ft area. How much of a difference yield wise do u think he would get having only 1 1000 watt or 2x600 watts as opposed to 2x1000 watts?


Well-Known Member
sorry i have no experience using any other setup than what i'm using now but if you had 1 1000w hps on a mover (which would probably be cheaper than another 1000w) you'd half the electric and nearly double your yield. You'd be able to get the lights closer to the plants and the movement would promote side growth and get maximum light penetration


Well-Known Member
sorry i have no experience using any other setup than what i'm using now but if you had 1 1000w hps on a mover (which would probably be cheaper than another 1000w) you'd half the electric and nearly double your yield. You'd be able to get the lights closer to the plants and the movement would promote side growth and get maximum light penetration
that sounds good. I just have no experience or really know any techniques for using a light mover. I guess he and I will have to do some more research. Thanks again
I am fairly new to the grow seen but to help fly under the radar we installed a light mover in the flowering room. this way we get light to cover the whole 6x10room and only paying elect. for one 600hps plus just one with mover reduces heat