HELP! Freaking out right now!!

Cliff notes: One plant waterlogged, fixed issue that was keeping roots submersed and now all my plants (except one) are wilted. Leaving tomorrow night for 3 days and have no idea what to do so I'm super stressed right now.

GH FloraDuo series (was using 3 part for very beginning of grow but have been on the Duo for weeks now)
Hydro, in netpots
Recirculating reservoir
Waters for about 7 min every 45 min. Takes about a minute or so for the pump to fill the line then two steady drippers per bucket.

First off, I'm having issues with Hydrogen deficiencies using the bloom mixture of FloraDuo. I can manage fixing that.
First major issue happened yesterday when I found one plant VERY wilted. Upon inspection, my drain back to my reservoir for that pot had gotten clogged and the pot was overflowing with water. Fixed that issue (and let the runoff water filled the reservoir again) and checked all other drains to make sure they were clear - good to go. I turned the drippers on the one wilted plant off to try to let it recover.
Now today (next day after that all happened) ALL of the plants are wilted and look like shit except for one.

Recent changed I made:
increase the watering frequency (and decrease time per watering, was doing about 10 min every hour before)
flushed the system and cleaned the reservoir

PLEASE HELP! What should I do?
I have the pump unplugged right now... I'm thinking of draining the reservoir and just putting them on the 10 minutes of water every hour schedule with pHed tap water.
Here are pictures of the girls.

The one that had the overflowing container:
waterlogged.jpg waterlogged2.jpg

Nitrogen deficiency evident (please correct me if I'm wrong):

A few of the other plants on the same watering system, all very healthy before:
healthiest.jpgphoto 2 (2).jpgphoto 3 (1).jpgphoto 3.jpg


Active Member
You got any bubbler or sandstone in your res? Seems like the more oxygen the plants get the happier they are...IMO
do the buckets keep standing water in them?
Not supposed to (other than about 1/2" at the very bottom) but the drain line clogged causing the bucket to fill and drown the roots.

You got any bubbler or sandstone in your res? Seems like the more oxygen the plants get the happier they are...IMO
Didn't but I do now. The plants were all doing amazing without needing one in the reservoir until this happened. Next time I plan on having a bubbler in each container as a failsafe in case a drain clogs.


Active Member
Need more info man, is that soil or soiless medium in the buckets? If your using hydroton, you should water about 10 min every 2-4 hours, depending on ambient temp and humidity.


Well-Known Member
Such severe and sudden drop in plant health can only mean a root-wide syndrome.

Your roots drowned, and I fear such severe crop-wide shock so late in the plant's life cannot be recovered from.
