Help from MI brothers - seen this before?


Well-Known Member
The tops views look like a P-. The back-sides kinda look like there are bugs/eggs along the veins, but what gets me is all the spots appear to be at the base of the cystolithic hairs. That's a good thread HGK, I've seen similar threads where deficiencies where the suppected cause of issues, when it turned out to be a vapor pressue deficit issue. Your rH doesn't seem to be drastically low for your temp though. Are the affected leaves localized or over the entire plants? PPS can be found at the depot FYI.


Well-Known Member
The tops views look like a P-. The back-sides kinda look like there are bugs/eggs along the veins, but what gets me is all the spots appear to be at the base of the cystolithic hairs. That's a good thread HGK, I've seen similar threads where deficiencies where the suppected cause of issues, when it turned out to be a vapor pressue deficit issue. Your rH doesn't seem to be drastically low for your temp though. Are the affected leaves localized or over the entire plants? PPS can be found at the depot FYI.
Very nice. Thank you.


Well-Known Member

This is a picture of scale. Kinda looks like what you've got going on Phiz.

edit: Hmmmm. After looking at your pics again, maybe not.

Huel Perkins

Well-Known Member
Looks to me like a nutrient burn...

What part of the plant (top or bottom) were these leaves taken? Were they the leaves closest to the light? How about some better pics?


Well-Known Member
This plant has been terminated. It was a Bubba 76, beautiful plant but mediocre. The problem started towards the bottom of the plant and progressed all the way to the top, affecting all fan leaves, no buds what so ever (which leads me away from the bugs, which I've never found). This plant was treated the same as others which have showed no sign of this problem. The plant was on it's third run (cloned twice, grown from seed originally). Didn't want to take a chance, as I've never had a problem with 'bugs' up to this point (hear the knocking in the back round?). Thanks to all that have responded, there are still good people on this site. Keep the faith. Peace.


Well-Known Member
Hey bud. Make sure you clean your area
and try to leave it dormant for a week if ya can or clean it again a few days later to kill any hatchings


Well-Known Member
Plant-mobile nutrients are those that are capable of being translocated within the plant. When a plant is deficient of these elements, the nutrient that is already within the plant will be transported to where it is needed most - the young tissues. Deficiency symptoms of plant-mobile elements are observed on the older leaves first.

Huel Perkins

Well-Known Member
This plant has been terminated. It was a Bubba 76, beautiful plant but mediocre. The problem started towards the bottom of the plant and progressed all the way to the top, affecting all fan leaves, no buds what so ever (which leads me away from the bugs, which I've never found). This plant was treated the same as others which have showed no sign of this problem. The plant was on it's third run (cloned twice, grown from seed originally). Didn't want to take a chance, as I've never had a problem with 'bugs' up to this point (hear the knocking in the back round?). Thanks to all that have responded, there are still good people on this site. Keep the faith. Peace.
Buds are always last to be effected, your plants will suck dry and drop every leaf on the plant before the flowers are ever damaged. This is the plants natural instinct to protect the next generation which would be seeds in her flowers in a natural environment.

Just remember, every leaf on your plant affects the amount of flower growth and health because the leaves are where our plants produce the food they actually use to grow (not your nutes).

Your problem has me stumped without being able to see more of the plants... If you're going to run this strain again in any quantity i suggest trying different feeding strengths and mirco nutes on different groups of this strain to rule things out.