Help Girlfriend attacked , what to do ??


Well-Known Member
All you guys with your macho kick her ass shit, I-net bullies. The truth is you are all pussy whipped . We are a slave to the pussy (provided it's fresh)
If it wasn't for their fucking pussies there would be a bounty on their hides.

Garden weeds

Active Member
wow this is exactly same as one of my posts about a month ago if you take a look through my posts! if you read some of the comments i got they were hilarious. but exact same thing happened to me, she wont be doing it again though haha she apoligised. good luck with finding out what to do man !! and good look with making your plants secure in the future! GW


Well-Known Member
wait while she falls asleep and shave her eyebrows of and cut her hair, then kick her out,
as she done it once she do it again,once a plant beater always a plant beater, as she know how important they are to you and that she can always hurt you this way, i never let my gf know how much the important things in my life means to me, especially my plants, that way if things like this ever happen it aint my plants that get it, its the dog that gets it lol joking, i had to learn this the hard way to, i feel ya Harley i really do,,,


Well-Known Member
as she know how important they are to you and that she can always hurt you this way,

she now knows this is a "POWER" button. She now has the power to push your button at will.

tread lightly. if you allow it she will use it as a tool to beat you with, anytime you disagree she
will avoid the real issue and push your MJ vulnerability button.:wall:

and once that happens your real issue get lost and the problem compounds.



Active Member
I regularly have to tell my hubby to "shut up or the sour diesel gets it". He comes right around and acts like the good little doobie I know he can be. Ladies, ladies,ladies all you have to do is hold a razor blade to there plants and they'll do anything you want.You don't have to destroy them..just act like you will. Nah I'm just joking with you all. On a serious side though if you have to hide something you do from your partner( so they don't go psyco bitch on your plants) then there really not the partner for you now are they. Imagine if you have children with you, will they beat up Jr. every time there pissed at you?