Help have PM problem!!


Whats up everyone... need some help in the garden... have 3 outdoor plants about 6 weeks into flower and they have shown powdery mildew... how do I stop this. I have heard of milk solutions that can help. I have also heard of neem oil. Or literally wiping down every leaf. What can I do? These plants are clones so this may be a systemic issue or maybe just because its been cold and damp as fuck here in Toronto. Any suggestion would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.


Well-Known Member
Neem oil would definitely slow down the progression of it you’d just have to be really careful how you apply it as not to get too much on the buds or any if possible. Bio fungicide could also slow it down and I feel like it wouldn’t leave as much of a residue if it were to land on the buds, it’s basically a fungus eating bacteria. Those are the only two things I’ve used, but they work well.

father nature

Well-Known Member
I just went through the same thing with my outdoor plants. I put about 20% milk in liter spray bottle. Sprayed all the plant and buds without issue. It actually makes the leaves nice and green and shiney. The powdery mildew came back a couple days later. I bought a pound of Potassium Bicarbonate on Amazon for $8 and mixed 1 1/2 teaspoons in the milk/water solution and sprayed that all over the plant an buds. It seems to have gotten rid of it. The humidity dropped big time right after I sprayed the plant so I'm sure that's helping also. I like the fact its all natural stuff on the buds. Hydrogen Peroxide works to but I haven't tried it

I've read many times not to use neem oil on the buds as it will leave a nasty taste. Don't know but I dont want to risk it

here is the stuff I bought


Well-Known Member
Currently battling a real PM out break. No home remedies have worked beyond a week. Trying Regalia for the first time. Infected clones are responding to it. It's a monster. Good luck.


Well-Known Member
Whats up everyone... need some help in the garden... have 3 outdoor plants about 6 weeks into flower and they have shown powdery mildew... how do I stop this. I have heard of milk solutions that can help. I have also heard of neem oil. Or literally wiping down every leaf. What can I do? These plants are clones so this may be a systemic issue or maybe just because its been cold and damp as fuck here in Toronto. Any suggestion would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
Here's what worked for me, and I live on the wet coast:

Step 1: Potassium bicarbonate, neem oil, some natural soap as a surfactant. For me this has a lasting effect between 5 to 10 days. But I don't leave my plants in the rain ever anymore.

Step 2: daily spot checks and removal of infected leaves, almost always smaller leaves on the inside of the plan

Step 3: spot treatment alcohol, h202, lemon juice spray or trimmer/affected leaves

I also feed silica throughout veg and most of flower. Careful with step 1 if it's cold and wet, you want to the plants to dry out quick.


Thanks for the intell Khyber... its been a rough last part of the season up here... lots of rain and cold nights... will definitely try your suggestions. Respects!!


I just went through the same thing with my outdoor plants. I put about 20% milk in liter spray bottle. Sprayed all the plant and buds without issue. It actually makes the leaves nice and green and shiney. The powdery mildew came back a couple days later. I bought a pound of Potassium Bicarbonate on Amazon for $8 and mixed 1 1/2 teaspoons in the milk/water solution and sprayed that all over the plant an buds. It seems to have gotten rid of it. The humidity dropped big time right after I sprayed the plant so I'm sure that's helping also. I like the fact its all natural stuff on the buds. Hydrogen Peroxide works to but I haven't tried it

I've read many times not to use neem oil on the buds as it will leave a nasty taste. Don't know but I dont want to risk it

here is the stuff I bought

I just went through the same thing with my outdoor plants. I put about 20% milk in liter spray bottle. Sprayed all the plant and buds without issue. It actually makes the leaves nice and green and shiney. The powdery mildew came back a couple days later. I bought a pound of Potassium Bicarbonate on Amazon for $8 and mixed 1 1/2 teaspoons in the milk/water solution and sprayed that all over the plant an buds. It seems to have gotten rid of it. The humidity dropped big time right after I sprayed the plant so I'm sure that's helping also. I like the fact its all natural stuff on the buds. Hydrogen Peroxide works to but I haven't tried it

I've read many times not to use neem oil on the buds as it will leave a nasty taste. Don't know but I dont want to risk it

here is the stuff I bought
Thanks... will look into the Potassium Bicarbonate... i was worried about spraying the buds so late into flower but this looks like a good solution.