help help help me REALLY fast.


Well-Known Member
well i was outside doin yard work today and i decided to take my plant out to enjoy the all natural sunlight. after about 20 minutes gone by i came back to the plant and the top of the plant was gone. but this plant was only about 3 or 4 days old n was very small. but it had the 2 roundish leaves and 2 marijuana lookin weeds. first four leaves that appear. but the whole top of it was gone and a piece of a leave in the pot. maybe a bird got it or sumthin. but its still in the pot and if u look really really close u can see sum green a little bit. the roots are still in soil.

I just want to know if this plant can still grow??? or should i jus pitch it out now???


Well-Known Member
i mean you could still use it but it sounds like your only like a week or two in. it would probably be more worth it to just restart some bagseed unless you dropped loot on some ordered seeds.


Well-Known Member
thanks. thats the thing tho. i dont got anymore seeds. hopefully tomorrow i can but ok i think ill just leave it be until i get more seeds


Well-Known Member
fuck it........stick in its grow spot and feed always want to experiment when shit goes wrong...whats the worst that can are occupied untill more seeds come


Well-Known Member
If the leaves are missing at this stage of growth, there is almost no chance the plant will survive. I'm curious as to what ate your plant. I am thinking cat or dog.


Well-Known Member
Man, same exact thing happened to me. Left them outside for a day (I have 2 cats) and when I came to get them, all the tops were perfectly chopped off! It had to be one of my cats... dont punish your cat cause of this now, if ya have one... say "WAIT TIL IM DONE WITH THEM MAN!"