Help help help


Hey all, please have a l look at pics...Its getting worse by the day ...I have posted pics in sick plants but noon seems to know.

Air temp: 75-80
water temp: 68-70
GH: flora nutes - at the moment 33%
400 watt hps...

So it keps getting worse and worse. The big plant in the back is female, 10 days of 12/12 ....Please help or suggest what to do. Do i cut the bad leaves off?

I was hoping to clone this girl, but there doesnt seem to be any good healthy clone spots...

Thanks all



Well-Known Member
agreed, It looks like heat stress. Also looks like you might be running your N a little to high. Not real bad or anything, maybe back it off 5-10%.


agreed, It looks like heat stress. Also looks like you might be running your N a little to high. Not real bad or anything, maybe back it off 5-10%.

Ok so ill move the light back about another 6-12 inches. Will those leaves that are all curled in recover?? or should i be doing something to get rid of them ? I think the lower leaves may have been chewed by my bitch cat....

I was thinking about just cloning that big female...taking about 6 clones Do you think that is a bad idea...will the clones have similar traits?

And yes I have a fan blowing across them


Well-Known Member
If that fixes the problem, the leaves will probly perk up a bit but stay curled. This doesnt mean they are useless. I would leave them on unless they are clearly turning brown and dying. As far as clones go, it is easiest to keep a mother around and it always works out better if your not cutting the clones off of a flowering plant. The clones would have to go into a reveg state, which usually takes at least a month. if cutting during flower is your only option and you want to get a mother or more for the next round go for it. But on a side note, clones cut from a healthy plant usually always have a higher success rate than ones from a stressed plant.


If that fixes the problem, the leaves will probly perk up a bit but stay curled. This doesnt mean they are useless. I would leave them on unless they are clearly turning brown and dying. As far as clones go, it is easiest to keep a mother around and it always works out better if your not cutting the clones off of a flowering plant. The clones would have to go into a reveg state, which usually takes at least a month. if cutting during flower is your only option and you want to get a mother or more for the next round go for it. But on a side note, clones cut from a healthy plant usually always have a higher success rate than ones from a stressed plant.

YEA good point..i think ill just let these finish and then change my setup for next time..this is after all my first grow, and I should finish it out to learn from my mistakes.

I guess I am just confused, if it is heat stress, I wonder why all the leaves that are curled like that are towards the bottom of the plant or in the undergrowth, where they dont really have direct light...Lots to learn


Active Member
make sure your ph is where it should be, if it is, then recalibrate the device your using. you should be doing that once a month and recalibrate the ppm meter too. I personally dont think the light is too low because light burn happends at the tips. if you type in ph fluctuation symptoms in google you can probably see something that looks similar to what you got.