help help help


Over the past few days i have noticed little white things that look like thrips running about on the top of the soil no leaf damage of any kind i only seem to find them in my soil i have been having a problem with my roots showing at the top of the soil could this be attracting them my grow room stays nice and cool on its own so i dont think its the heat.


Well-Known Member
Gnats. Get some fruit fly traps, I use the ones that fold into a triangle put it on top of soil and it keeps them under control. Do nothing and they get that bad they are all thru the house.


do gnats come in a white color the research i have done says they should be black.Do you have any advice on roots showing threw the top of the soil is this a problem.
I had a small translucent bug problem myself I never Identifeied them and they had to come in my soil, but neem seed oil wiped them out


i have been told that cocohas some type of white bug in the soil is this true i am being told alot of things gnats, thrips , cone head worm am clueless. i shpuld also say they are long in shape quick and no leaf damage atal.