Help her please!


Hi guys

Could someone help diagnose this plant..

Light: LED 300w marshydro
Strain: Medicine man
Medium: Soil - Biobizz Allmix
Grow size: 50x50x100cm
Light schedule: 20/4
Nutrients available: Biobizz range. Vitalink CalMag & humboldt secret golden tree. Plant Magic Evolution.
Nutrients given: None
Age: 14 Days

Grown from clone.

IMG_20151005_130135.jpg IMG_20151004_201154.jpg

Thanks for your time
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Joe Blows Trees

Well-Known Member
Could be a calcium or magnesium deficiency, try adding some cal mag to your next watering and when you start your nutes, go 1/4 strength.


Could be a calcium or magnesium deficiency, try adding some cal mag to your next watering and when you start your nutes, go 1/4 strength.
That's what I thought as I been reading LED lighting has issues with CalMag but wasn't sure, I diluted just under 1ml to the litre last night and gave her that.


Active Member
Well, I honestly would first give it two or three days to see if the Calmag works. You don't want to try to many things at once, otherwise you wont know exactly what fixed the issue. Also you don't want to try to many things and take the chance of hurting her more. Every issue I have had, I got help on here and always gave it two days to see a change. I have had every issue show signs of improvement within two days once I gave it the proper fix. Like Joe blow I will watch too and keep us updated so we can help.


Well, I honestly would first give it two or three days to see if the Calmag works. You don't want to try to many things at once, otherwise you wont know exactly what fixed the issue. Also you don't want to try to many things and take the chance of hurting her more. Every issue I have had, I got help on here and always gave it two days to see a change. I have had every issue show signs of improvement within two days once I gave it the proper fix. Like Joe blow I will watch too and keep us updated so we can help.
Thanks bro..

Just done a quick read & I noticed Biobizz bloom has potassium in there. I'll try that next if I don't see an improvement after a couple of days.

Feeling a bit more positive now. Send her out some good vibes.

I'll keep you updated on how she reacts.


Hi guys

Okay, no improvements, things have got worst.

The changes I made are :

Light schedule gone to 18/6
Fed with CalMag. No improvement.
Fed with biobizz range. Ended up looking nute burnt.

Started a new grow. Sour Bubbly. She came up and started showing leaves 3 days ago and now it looks like she might be going through the same thing. Leaves are starting to discolour. Just used plain water with her as she's a baby.

I'm starting to think light bleaching with the marshydro 300w. I can't raise it up any higher due to the size in working with.

I'll post up some pics when the light comes on.

On a side note. There is a grow going through the same thing as mine. Using the same lights.

The pictures attached to this post is not my grow but they are having the same issues.

Any one experienced this with marshydro?



Active Member
I think you're starting your grow off wrong if you're haveing issues so early and each time you grow. I would start my grow in fox farm happy frog. You want to use soil that has no nutes in it. I would also start with a strain that isnt hard to grow so that you can learn more about plant issues.

Joe Blows Trees

Well-Known Member
I agree with @Mothman30, whatever the medium is being used needs to be changed or amended because it seems it's a ph issue. Although I'm not familiar with Led's, I don't believe they caused the issues with the seedlings.


Active Member
Ya I've never used LED either. I do have one that was given to me but I've been having great results with my fluorescent lighting. I'm sticking with that or MH for vegging and HPS for flowering. I would/want to get a few grows under my belt before I attempt a harder strain. Try to stick to very basic growing and only start to add nutes when your plant shows signs that is needs it.


Well-Known Member
Its nute burn from the hot soil you used not suitable for growing dope. Also it is def of other nutes because too much of one can lock out another.
I would start again as would take a lot of time and tlc to bring it back, time wasted that could be spent raising new healthy plants.