
jimmy boi

Active Member
Please if anybody has any clue about male or female plants and can I tell befor going in to flowering?All comments welcome ,hiw do you think my plants are doing week 5


Well-Known Member
well you have to turn your lights over to 12/12 before they are gonna show sex...unless you have a strain that auto flowers and show pistols early.


New Member
or you can clone one of the branches and flower the clone to tell what sex! that way you wont have to bud your plant early!


New Member
thanks man! i figured why flower your plant early? just clone the branch and sex it while your main plant can still grow in veg. state oh whats REP+


Well-Known Member
Another way Ive heard of sexing a plant is to cover one branch with a paper bag(preferably black on outside) for 12 hrs a day.And only that branch will show sex after a couple doesnt disrupt the rest of the plant.then when you see its female.flower it.Male toss it!:peace:


Well-Known Member
thanks man! i figured why flower your plant early? just clone the branch and sex it while your main plant can still grow in veg. state oh whats REP+
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Well-Known Member
so how can you know if its a female if you want to take clones? what if i take a bunch of clones and it ends up being a male? theirs no way to know if the clones i take are female i thought the plant started to show sex 2 weeks BEFORE FLOWERING? mabye its 2 weeks after, this is my first grow, and i plan on cloning, but dont want to clone a bunch of males!


New Member
you only need one clone off a plant to sex it! if you see the little white hairs starting to grow then you know you got a baby girl! if theres little balls then you got a male! even if you got a female you dont want to just cut a bunch of branches to clone you might stress the plant if not your clones will be bigger then your main plant cuz you done cut it all to all! cut maybe 2 clones off! if you want more bud i would top the branches so they will grow 2 more branches instead of one then you can harvest more bud cuz you go more branches to flower! the plants sould start showing sex about 2 weeks after you cut your lights to 12 - 12


Well-Known Member
so how can you know if its a female if you want to take clones? what if i take a bunch of clones and it ends up being a male? theirs no way to know if the clones i take are female i thought the plant started to show sex 2 weeks BEFORE FLOWERING? mabye its 2 weeks after, this is my first grow, and i plan on cloning, but dont want to clone a bunch of males!
One of the 1st rules of thumb with growing is PATIENCE :leaf: These plants require alot of it,trust me.the whole way through.depending on the strain,manipulating the plant can make it turn male or female,or both!!they are very hearty and resiliant,but if you mess with them too much,too soon, they may react in a bad way.remember that! To take clones from a plant with unknown sex is foolish and could be a waste of time.If the clones even survive.I would take one clone put it into 12/12 light and keep watching for sex.or try the covering one branch for 12 hrs a day like i stated earlier,then you dont have to wait to see if the clone you take is even gonna live.If you dont do everything right when cutting a clone.IT WILL DIE.then your getting no where fast.Plants will usually show pre-flowers when maturity is reached,usually around 6-8 weeks old.again,depending on strain.patience my friend patience.


Active Member
got some cuttings they have small pistols on will i have to veg for longer or should i chuck them. wat going on someone taking the piss!!


Well-Known Member
One of the 1st rules of thumb with growing is PATIENCE :leaf: These plants require alot of it,trust me.the whole way through.depending on the strain,manipulating the plant can make it turn male or female,or both!!they are very hearty and resiliant,but if you mess with them too much,too soon, they may react in a bad way.remember that! To take clones from a plant with unknown sex is foolish and could be a waste of time.If the clones even survive.I would take one clone put it into 12/12 light and keep watching for sex.or try the covering one branch for 12 hrs a day like i stated earlier,then you dont have to wait to see if the clone you take is even gonna live.If you dont do everything right when cutting a clone.IT WILL DIE.then your getting no where fast.Plants will usually show pre-flowers when maturity is reached,usually around 6-8 weeks old.again,depending on strain.patience my friend patience.
so they start showing sex before i send them into flowering?


New Member
they so there sex in the first stages of flowering about 2 weeks after you turn your lights to 12-12! JUSTO if your pistols are showing little white hairs your good to go but if not and they start showing little round balls get rid off them unless you want seeds in your bud!


Active Member
they only diddy not ready for 12/12 yet. what im trying to say is i think thay all ready been in flower or some sort offshock. s.o.s :confused:


New Member
if you dont got them in 12-12 then there not flowering just keep them in 18-6 if there in shock they will recover just keep an eye on them! if anything put them on 24/7 for a few days then cut back 1 hour a day till you reach back to 18-6 and make sure your not overloading them with nutes. good luck