or you can clone one of the branches and flower the clone to tell what sex! that way you wont have to bud your plant early!
Basically, this forum has a REPutation system where you can give others REP... it's just a way of giving props to another user for a post they have made.thanks man! i figured why flower your plant early? just clone the branch and sex it while your main plant can still grow in veg. state oh whats REP+
One of the 1st rules of thumb with growing is PATIENCE These plants require alot of it,trust me.the whole way through.depending on the strain,manipulating the plant can make it turn male or female,or both!!they are very hearty and resiliant,but if you mess with them too much,too soon, they may react in a bad way.remember that! To take clones from a plant with unknown sex is foolish and could be a waste of time.If the clones even survive.I would take one clone put it into 12/12 light and keep watching for sex.or try the covering one branch for 12 hrs a day like i stated earlier,then you dont have to wait to see if the clone you take is even gonna live.If you dont do everything right when cutting a clone.IT WILL DIE.then your getting no where fast.Plants will usually show pre-flowers when maturity is reached,usually around 6-8 weeks old.again,depending on strain.patience my friend patience.so how can you know if its a female if you want to take clones? what if i take a bunch of clones and it ends up being a male? theirs no way to know if the clones i take are female i thought the plant started to show sex 2 weeks BEFORE FLOWERING? mabye its 2 weeks after, this is my first grow, and i plan on cloning, but dont want to clone a bunch of males!
so they start showing sex before i send them into flowering?One of the 1st rules of thumb with growing is PATIENCE These plants require alot of it,trust me.the whole way through.depending on the strain,manipulating the plant can make it turn male or female,or both!!they are very hearty and resiliant,but if you mess with them too much,too soon, they may react in a bad way.remember that! To take clones from a plant with unknown sex is foolish and could be a waste of time.If the clones even survive.I would take one clone put it into 12/12 light and keep watching for sex.or try the covering one branch for 12 hrs a day like i stated earlier,then you dont have to wait to see if the clone you take is even gonna live.If you dont do everything right when cutting a clone.IT WILL DIE.then your getting no where fast.Plants will usually show pre-flowers when maturity is reached,usually around 6-8 weeks old.again,depending on strain.patience my friend patience.