Help! how bad is this? what to do?

My dad has been growing weed for a few months now. The plants were about 5ft high. He sells to some people, not many, but im not sure who. 30 minutes ago the police came knocking on our door. I tell him its the cops, he goes and cuts the plants down and throws them away. He is read his rights and arrested ( i dont hear the full conversation). I dont know what to do. I took the trash out, have moved illegal mp3s/ dvds out of the house, and have removed paraphanelia. I dont know that the police know he was growing, nut i believe if hes been arrested for selling, they will come back with a warrant and search. I dont know whether to break the operation down ( which has 2 ferns in it) or not to as im a student and college and dont want to get caught up in this shit >.< Im also thinking of moving his computer out as it would have lots of marijuana info on it. I live in North Carolina as well. Anyone that knows anything legally about this or anything please help! Ask if you need any more info.

Total Head

Well-Known Member
wtf? they arrested him and THEN got a search warrant? did they show up with an arrest warrant? if they had any warrant at all it would say why they are there. how can they arrest him for selling unless he was selling at the time? and what does "cuts the plants down and throws them away" mean? he just threw them in the regular garbage that the police are going to search through? none of this makes any sense to me.

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
If they haven't searched the house, then STERILIZE it. Get rid of everything. Disks, comp, every shred of incriminating evidence you can think of. If you are in doubt, get rid of it. Vaccum the area and empty the canister or get rid of the entire bag. If he's facing sales, don't let them have manufacturing on top of that.

Find a safe place to stash the lights, grow equipment and comp.
Sorry this just happened so im a bit frantic. He threw the plants in the normal trash, which i took out, and the trash truck just ran. I dont know what happened when the officer was at the door, i know my dad was there about 10-20 seconds and then was walking to the car.

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
Strange that they didn't toss the house. Maybe he's just been taken for questioning? If they had an arrest warrant, I would think they'd search the house. They did when they got me.
You'll be hearing from him in a while. keep us informed. But to get back to the house, if they come back with a warrant and find evidence of a grow, you could be implicated as an accomplice, and that will fuck up school.
Right now im moving out any data, any paraphanelia, anything. My fear is that they will get here and know its all moved and ill be in some shit.

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
Knowing and proving are 2 different things. They can't arrest you because you MIGHT have moved anything, even if they know for certain it was you. They'd have to catch you in the act of getting rid of evidence.
If he was under arrest, they would have searched the house for sure. If they do arrest him, they'll be back with a search warrant, you can count on that.

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
If they come to the door, see the warrant before you let them in. Do NOT say a word in your defense or the defense of your father. Do not make any statements. If they ask you any questions, ask if you are under arrest, then say you want an attorney. They will try and convince you that it's in your best interest to talk to them. They are there to obtain evidence to convict your dad (and maybe implicate you), nothing else. Be polite, but firm. You are gonna be scared outta your wits, and they will play on that. They are very good at what they do, intimidating people.

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
Sorry, I can't PM you. Yes, if they had a warrant, they most definitely would have searched. That's what leads me to believe he isn't under arrest. YET!

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
YES!!! Get everything out and stash it somewhere if you can. Get off the comp NOW and do that, sterilize the house, then come back.
Well he is out now, $1000 bond. He has a court date and was arrested for suspicion of manufacturing marijuana. They never searched the house or came back, but everything is gone anyway. Thanks for all the help man!

smokey mcsmokester

Well-Known Member
Thats bizzare! He was arrested for suspicion of manufacturing marijuana but they didn't search the house??? All I can say here is your dad is 1 lucky man....Im sitting here scratching my

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
Y'all dodged a bullet for sure!!! That is fucking amazing and your guardian angel was watching over your dad. Go to church Sunday!!! They arrested him and didn't search the house. WOW!!!

smokey mcsmokester

Well-Known Member
Not being funny but i think your Daddy may be Leroys new girlfriend for the next few years
Actually you are being funny because this case will be thrown out of court the minute the judge looks at it....The popo made a HUUUUGGGGGEEEE 0 dad 1...woooohoooo....I bet this never happens again...not this scenario = WINNINGGG!!!!....
Here is the article-

The 44-year-old said he was “dead asleep” when police knocked on his door at 5203 Old N.C. 18, Connelly Springs shortly before 9 a.m. He was promptly handcuffed on an outstanding warrant for manufacturing marijuana and taken down to the Burke County Sheriff’s Office while still wearing his Homer Simpson pajama pants and rock star T-shirt.

Tweed was not the only person accused of a drug crime that had a bad morning — he was among eight arrested in roundup on Monday.