HELP, How tall and how much weight from SLH


Active Member
I have 3 female super lemon haze plants that are about 2 months old. I have topped them and are about 3 feet tall and very bushy and healthy looking plants...They should be 4ft come may 24.......I was just wondering if someone has grow this strain outdoors and how much weight and height will there be? I have the basics down and are planting them in the ground with some great soil.

Thanks guys......Kind of scary there not going out till may 24th,,so excited

Carl Spackler

Well-Known Member
Congrats on getting a very potent, tasty strain. I have 2 grows with SLH under my belt. Since outdoor conditions can be so variable it is extremely difficult to come up with any kind of legitimate yield estimate so my results are purely anectdotal. 1st grow was indoor in soil, supercropping, LST and some topping to manage height. Used it as a mother for my outdoor G. Grow. At 56" she ended up giving me a tad over 11oz. of some extraordinarily high-quality smoke. The outdoor was a little harder to quantify since some were from seed others from clone. The best one from seed hit 82" tall and I could scarcely reach around it with only mild topping. Yield was 26 oz. and I couldn't be happier with the quality, your results will vary of course as my first grow was 1979.


Active Member
did you top her more then once? i have some flourals and ive already topped them 1 time each and the tops are running away from the rest of the plants,,,ive thought about topping them again but have asked on here and they said i shouldnt, but some said i should

Carl Spackler

Well-Known Member
My best outdoor SLH was topped twice during veg but were still at a little under 60" before flowering started, stretch was rapid with some tying support needed on larger buds. I would say top as much as you like until maybe early Aug. Mine scarcely gave a whiff of odor until buds started in late Aug.(pre-flowers showed late July) then the fun began. Since it was a very dry summer for me I used a method to minimize watering trips. Like you I had some pretty good quality loamy soil from a creek-bank. In June I started removing the bottom limbs up to 10" from the base, then, I mounded soil up to the first tier of limbs. Within a few weeks the trunk had put out new roots into the mounded soil effectively doubling the root system. Be patient with this strain as 12 wks of flower may be on the low side. When is the first predicted frost for your area?


Active Member
im not sure of the first frost, south ontario......last 2 years it has been the rain that has got me,,,dam mold.....12 weeks will put me into november which is really to cold and the frost moves in late did u top the tops again the second time?

Carl Spackler

Well-Known Member
Yes I topped mine twice and on the taller ones I topped up to 4 times. SLH is clearly a sativa dom. strain so it will be very difficult for you to take yours to fully mature plants that far north. According to a daylength chart I looked up, you won't be getting to a 12/12 photoperiod until around Sept 24. They may very well start flowering a few weeks prior to then but it still looks as if you well may be running into frost issues . The only way I know of to possibly beat the clock is to somehow cover your plants in mid-July to trigger earlier flowering. I have never done this and it sounds like a logistical nightmare as you would have to be at your grow fairly precisely ever single day from then on to cover with a dark, tarpaulin but in theory it would work. Have your grown or considered growing indica dom. strains or even autoflowers?


Active Member
I tried a indica dominat strain last year called cyber crystal from kc brains....turned out great but never got to reach its full potential because it was so rainy and wet for a 3 week span...Seen some mold forming and hacked dam down....nice smoke too.....Its gonna be a crap shoot for the SLH..If there is not much rain I could leave them in till late October early november. Ive had friends in my area leave them in till mid Nov but thats all up to mother nature....Im still pumped about this strain..i took a couple clones last week....I think im gonna top them again soon. Gonna put them right into the ground i think...There getting wide and looking great...Ive never had plants that want to grow this badly,,,its sweet