help hydro roots changing color

green thumb rock

Active Member
Plant leaves was droopy so I checked roots and they had a gooey looking stuff on them I just change ppm with nutes about 12 hours before I notice


Well-Known Member
I don't do Hydro myself and I am pretty sure it is brownish creamy gooey stuff? Root rot is a possibility. If it is the problem then i would look into Food grade H2O2 from a hydro shop.

nitro harley

Well-Known Member
Plant leaves was droopy so I checked roots and they had a gooey looking stuff on them I just change ppm with nutes about 12 hours before I notice
Hello green thumb....

I just went thru what sounds like you are experienceing....I was able to save my crop but you have to act right away....This is what I did to fix my problem...first I tryed to get stuff to make tea but was unable to in time...So I went to the grow store and picked up some H202 29% and added 20ml per gallon I fushed for 3 hours...then I pumped it out and made another batch at 20ml per gallon and flushed for another 3 hours....then I washed the roots with fresh water and cleaned all my buckets the best I could....

After all that I added bennys and fresh nutes and we are back to the races.....Here's a pic of the bennys I used...

When I added the bennys I made up two gallon's with 4 tea spoons of bennys...let it bubble for a while then I split it up between my 6 buckets...

3 days later you could see lots of new root growth...

I hpoe this info can help you...good luck...