Help I am over populated!!

I have 14 plants 7 Caramelicious, and 7 Big Bud. They are 1 week into flower. I topped them all about 10days ago. My growroom is 4.5' X 4.5' X 6.5'. I am using a euro 6" cooled HPS 1000watt and a 300watt Led. The room is sealed with CO2 injected and controlled @ 1200ppm to 1500. Rh is @ avg. 50 to 60% Temp is from 80 to 89 degrees avg. depending on the time of day.

13 out of 14 are avg height of 20" each one is half that height due to a stem issue early on but is very healthy just slower growing. They are all in 12" square white plastic pots with excellent drainage. I am using foxfarm ocean soil and their 6 main nutes they sell. The liquid and the dry mixes. I alternate the watering between nutes and plain water. Water is RO'ed and ph corrected after nutes are mixed to 6.3 to 6.8. Plants are metered for moisture and soil is checked for ph daily. Soil is at 6.5 to 6.9. I rotate the plants every couple of days for even exposure to the light in the room.

So far I have kept the distance from the light to the top of the plants at 20 to 22".

Basically I couldn't be happier about my crop except it seems now unless some of them turn out to be males my harem is going to be getting shady down low.

I was in germination twice because of some problems on the first go around. So the second time I germinated enough to be sure I had some ladies and I got them all vertually to produce. They did their part in growing so now I have a grow room that looks like I am raising a hedge. Just packed with leaves. I am a proud papa but I know that to get the best yied per plant somethings got to give.

Can they stay or do I have to thin out the crowd? Can they be trained horizontally ?

I have read that 6 plants in an area this size would be good. What can I do to save the yield in the existing room since the room itself is the only place I have to grow them safely?

Thanks for any feedback


Well-Known Member
You have a stronger light than i do, you should be fine. The light can force its way through the leaves. If you want to thin the crowd you can, but I say go for it! I just did a batch of 12 plants and I think my tent is the same size as yours. But I only use a 400 watt HPS light, and I don't shut my tent. As long as you can keep them all watered and happy, there is enough light to go around.
You can always check yourself with a light meter. But when I hold mine at the top of my plants and at the bottom under the leaves, I still get almost off the chart readings. Life will find a way.


Well-Known Member
I will adopt..have good home... Can flower any out side....on the plus side better to have to many than not enough..


Active Member
I would've have flowered just six and continued to vegged the other six. I had that dilemma before and ended up vegging 6 plant in the living room.


Well-Known Member
Tie them down if you are worried about it. Once they are all bent over, let them grow for a couple days - then thin out the bottom of the plants, remember each cutting you take off can turn into a clone!
Anyhow, that's what I did ;)
I think I will try a light meter since I don't want to murder any ladies. Got a recommendation for a good light meter never had one? I can't put them really anywhere else thats why they are where they are to start with. My old place was better. I can't afford to duplicate the growroom for the excess plants.


Well-Known Member
My growroom is 4.5' X 4.5' X 6.5'.

Can they stay or do I have to thin out the crowd? Can they be trained horizontally ?
Switch your room to 12/12. sex the plants and remove the males.... there are allways males unless you bought fem seeds....

my grow room is 5x4x8 (same floor space as your grow room) i grow 15 plants through veg and let them get from 22-28" tall. then put them into 12/12 lighting.

after 12/12 starts the males come out and most of the time its around 5 males. remove the males to make space for the females.

I have read that 6 plants in an area this size would be good
10 plants is perfect for a space that size..... believe me, i've been growing in my 5x4x8 room for the past 3 years. 10 plants, vegged to 2 feet usualy yeilds 50~ Grams per plant making for a 500 gram harvest (454 grams in a Pound).

I think its better to have more cluttered plants than a few pretty ones.
My seeds were all feminized and I haven't seen any males as yet and I am checking them everyday now being a week into Flower. I hope I make more than a pound. My last grow yielded 2.5 pounds out of seven plants in pots outside and I put them in a blacked out shed everynight to photo period them. I realize my yield might be lower inside but with fine tuning the nutes and lighting being strong and CO2 I am hoping for good things come harvest. Fingers crossed.


Well-Known Member
you could allways move the 4 smallest plants outdoors to grow them for the rest of the flowering period, them move them indoors under the light to finish.

im in the same situation haha. i started 20 seeds (non fem) and i have 16 females..... im putting 6 of them outdoors to start flowering and when my flowering room is finished i will be putting them in there to finish.