Help I farted


Active Member
Hey guys am trying to pick a strain i'm on a tight budget and thought maybe some of you may have grown one of this strains before and can give some input.

I have to chose one of this KC brain strains because of my budget help me pick the best in your opinion.:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
If you're really strapped for cash grow some bag seed. You're going to work on this for a long time, buy a strain you're excited about. Its all about the passion baby.


Active Member
Yeah I did consider the Northern Lights but i've grown that strain before I think am leaning towards mind bender those nugs look sick.. i'd go with anything with purple buds but they don't have anything under my budget i'm also gonna grow some bag seed which is sativa based I plan on sexing the two it'll be nice making my own strain.:weed:

LOL@post count spammers

Thx for the replysbongsmilie