Help, I found this plant


Well-Known Member
don't you think that somebody may evacuate this plant for a day because of security problems ?!? just a thought


Well-Known Member
Oh god... another found plant thread..... here we go again...

I know I love it....... do people really expect us to believe they just found a plant somewhere? although i know that it does happen, it can't happen as often as what we here about on RIU.


Well-Known Member
BTW, that plant is fucked up man, get some good light on it, get a fan blowing on it cause it looks like it's about to fall over, and get it in a bigger pot, that shits to small


Well-Known Member
some people might be just covering their tracks, you know... i didnt grow this plant i "found" it...


Well-Known Member
very true...... but these people need to start taking responsibility for their actions, if you can't do the time, dont do the crime..... paranoid and a bit immature IMO


Well-Known Member
Who gives a shit on how he came about it, maybe he nicked it, maybe he genuinely found it, either ways, who gives a fuck?

What we're all doing is illegal, unless anyone has the legal right to grow.


Well-Known Member
very true...... but these people need to start taking responsibility for their actions, if you can't do the time, dont do the crime..... paranoid and a bit immature IMO
How can you blame him for being carefull? It makes sense to me to take every precatioun (spelling?) possible to ensure youlr freedom. Doing time for cannabis is crazy. It is only a crime in the eyes of the shitbirds.

Just my humlbe opinion:spew:


Well-Known Member
where in the hell would someone just find a plant? I'm not trying to point fingers but does that happen?! WTF!


Well-Known Member
just go to the forum section u wanna post in just like u got here, n before you pick a post thats already posted, look at the top left u'll see new thread, click that, u'll figure it out