HELP! i fucked up big time


I snapped the top 2 inches of my plant almost completely off when I was doing some lsting before the light were to come back on

I reattached her with some scotch tape, but idk what to do will she make it... do I re veg her she is starting her 3rd week of flowering just should sex like 3 days ago

Also I have some cloning gel should I put that on the break... really don't want her do die!


Well-Known Member
If you bound her up straight away, (and neatly, so the wound is closed) she'll more than likely recover.
It's happened to me a few times and they all survived.
You're certainly not fucked...;)


If you bound her up straight away, (and neatly, so the wound is closed) she'll more than likely recover.
It's happened to me a few times and they all survived.
You're certainly not fucked...;)

Hey within like 5 mins of the snap I put a drop o water where the break was nd wrapped her up... hopefully it survives nd doesn't hermie


Well-Known Member
You can make a splint to hold the two pieces together if there's any chance of them being separated. Left like this undisturbed and it's surprising how quickly she'll heal..
Good luck!

(Edit) I wouldn't bother with the gel, or water.
You don't want roots...


I'll let u know how things go in a day or two so far its not looking to good.

The leafs are really droopy from the top half of the break... though the bottom looks really healthy still hopefully things pick up nd she makes it


Active Member
Well, I snapped the stalk about 6 inches up from the medium two days ago on a plant that is due to harvest next Wed. I took two Popsicle sticks and used twist ties to attach them with, made sure it was supported from the top so there was no pressure on the break! Thought it was gonna die yesterday, but today it has perked back up!! Not sure if it will add anything to the harvest but they are tough Lil Bitches!!!!


Good to hear I retaped it about 2 hrs ago nd added some splints I made with two q-tips then tied some floss around the splint.

Let's hope she makes it , and doesn't hermie... guess now only time will tell


Active Member
Yea, whoops.
However just to put it out there, gut I have hear that if you put cloning gel onbthe wound it can help. I really don't want to brake my plant to prove it. Just throwing it out there.


Well-Known Member
I snapped the top 2 inches of my plant almost completely off when I was doing some lsting before the light were to come back on

I reattached her with some scotch tape, but idk what to do will she make it... do I re veg her she is starting her 3rd week of flowering just should sex like 3 days ago

Also I have some cloning gel should I put that on the break... really don't want her do die!
I snapped off the main stem of one of mine, in the flowering stage, and had it taped up and supported within the hour, but she didn't make it, but I have read many here that do recover.
Mine was an inch from the soil, so I think yours being only a couple inches, you have much better chance.


So I'm really doubtful its going to make it looks comp dead... but yea I was just wondering what this means for the rest of my plant... so I understand I lost my main cola nd will no longer have vertical growth... but I still have 4 nodes and there like double nodes where there is secondary growth from each one... think this happened because I lsted going to start giving her bloombastic in a few days... u think I can still get a 4th or 1/2 oz


Didn't make it guys... took off the tape today and it wasn't at all attached nd looked comp dead... I put it in some water to see if it'll come to life... if not I'll smoke her leaves though I doubt it'll do anything... regardless, though I lost the main cola... I feel like I got another 8 colas growing since I lsted, and now shell put all her energy into growing those... so I'm keep flowering her give bloombastic and hope my yield is still good and she doesn't hermie from stress


she doesn't seem to have hermied and besides the fact that I lost about half my plant shes still looking real good... gave her some bloombastic yesterday hope it helps her shoot up