HELP !!!!! i have aplant goring in mid november i need her to survive wat to do ???!


hey i threw sum purple afghan and sum blueberry kush seed in my back yard around august now its mid november and i c my little purple friend with a little bush on her(its a female) i dont want her to die on me so i took it and put her into a pot without cuttin her roots n im watering with filtered rain water , how do i keep her from dieing im a rookie this is my first plant lol .....i also wanna clone her how shuld i do all this suggestions any1 ?!?!?:weed:


Well-Known Member
first you need to get her some good 12-12 light, If shes already budding i woulnt try cloneing her imo, exspecially since your new to growing. Most ppl clone before they go into flower.


oh really fuuuuuck !!! i can styl use the seeds she drops tho true?.... wat is a 12- 12 light ? i juss have one plant n i have a little clear bag over her wen i put her outside


Well-Known Member
well this depends, are you located somewere there is alot of ditch weed? If so the seeds are prolly no good as they will be half ditch. 12-12 meens 12 hours on 12 hours off, depending on the size of the plant i would go with either yellow spectrum cfl lights or an hps light.


its about 8 inch rite now damn rly ?! ur just bursting my bubble lol ........ wat about miracle grow or anything like that ?


Well-Known Member
do you have any pics? how far along into flowering is she? If she is 2 weeks from harvest i wouldnt use any nutes, if not you may need to give her some food. what kind of soil you put her in?


Well-Known Member
hmmm she looks beautiful man. If you have a magnifyer check the trics(crystals), I Like to harvest when they are mostly cloudy with a few amber colored ones, If there is alot of clear ones then it is not ripe yet. How is she smellin? pretty good i bet. + rep to ya


haha i knw man now i have sumthin to do while on house arrest hahah , so wat do u thikn i shuld do i have no soil or anything for her n u c how she is i cant let her die on me :( you think its to late to clone huh ?


Well-Known Member
Man if I were u I'd give her about two or three more weeks outside and wouldn't try any nutrients or anything jus let her go shell get really fat buds and then enjoy Mother nature got her this far why not just let her go all the way


Man if I were u I'd give her about two or three more weeks outside and wouldn't try any nutrients or anything jus let her go shell get really fat buds and then enjoy Mother nature got her this far why not just let her go all the way
but its mid november wont it die ?!?!? its already been threw a snowy misty foggy nite


Well-Known Member
Yea either get cfl bulbs u know the spiral ones and throw them in a closet Ur gonna want about 5 lights and put a fan in there to circulate air check out the cfl section there all I use