Help I need Cloning advice

Dan can grow

Well-Known Member
Ok so I'm not new to cloning or anything but lately I've come into issues with clones not rooting. Maybe my 2 -23 watt cfl bulbs aren't enough. Not sure if it's my rooting gel? Clonex. I'm even curious what's the optimal temp for maximum root production. Right now I'm at 80 degrees with 60 % rh in a humidity dome. Any advice would help. I am using jiffy pucks also of this helps. Maybe it's where I'm cutting the plant, im just not sure. My ph in my original wetting was 6.5

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
i was having issues myself. i was using tap water, and it turns out our tap water contains pythium. its harmless to humans so they don't bother filtering for it. i started using bottled water till i can get an ro system set up and the problem went away.

Dan can grow

Well-Known Member
Wow! I Didn't know that. My tap is about 7.0 ph and 116 ppm. Not exactly sure what's in it for those 116 ppm


Well-Known Member
I would only use one of those bulbs, I have mine in my veg area and cover the top with a t shirt so they don't get direct light. Also a seedling heat mat helps out alot in the winter time.

Dan can grow

Well-Known Member
I would only use one of those bulbs, I have mine in my veg area and cover the top with a t shirt so they don't get direct light. Also a seedling heat mat helps out alot in the winter time.
I have a heat mat going. Hmmmm only one bulb?


Well-Known Member
That's all I used before I put them in the veg area. Just one CFL and I still put the shirt on top of the dome. It's just what works for me anyway.


Well-Known Member
You can watch medgrower1 on YouTube he just did a couple of videos on cloning because he was having issues he started using hormex mixed with clonex and ucroots and has been having great results watch the video on how to mix it


i use a heated propargater and no nutes just tap water at 6.7ph, and under my flourescent light under my kitchen unit, i did one lot of cuttings a fortnight ago for the 1st time! under my t5s and fucked them, mind you my propargater didnt work and my temps were pretty low so you deffo need to heat the roots up 24/7 and not worry about a strong light above, i also left the vents open all the time after 2-3 days they are all looking beautiful after 9 days now no yellowing or wilting, im just waiting to see the 1st roots, it wont be long I hope!


Well-Known Member
Ok so I'm not new to cloning or anything but lately I've come into issues with clones not rooting. Maybe my 2 -23 watt cfl bulbs aren't enough. Not sure if it's my rooting gel? Clonex. I'm even curious what's the optimal temp for maximum root production. Right now I'm at 80 degrees with 60 % rh in a humidity dome. Any advice would help. I am using jiffy pucks also of this helps. Maybe it's where I'm cutting the plant, im just not sure. My ph in my original wetting was 6.5
Light is not the problem,I have done clones with no light at all in summer,Just the light that comes in via the window.But they are never in direct sunlight.I use a normal house lamp for my clones,You may not be leaving them long enough,Use Aloe vera has your rooting gel from the plant ,works a treat,If you aint got a plant then clone x ,Leave them in it for a bit so they can soak the stuff into cut you have made,Don't take them too big,Warmth is more important than light i think but not too warm or you will get mold ,Use a propagator vents open after about 5 days mist twice a day for first 5 days then after that one a day for about same time then cut misting out let the clones work for moisture,Give them the odd mist but not much,I also soak the cubes in a mix of either a vera or clone x just a small amount,You may have to dip the cubes again at some point ,Don't mist with that mix though just plain water

Dan can grow

Well-Known Member
I don't get it though. Last summer I took cuttings off a plant outside, dipped them in gel and went right into soil. I then covered with a 2 liter bottle humidity dome. In One week I had roots. Took me 3 weeks inside. I did a bubble cloner once and that took like 6 weeks. The troubles of cloning.