HELP - I want to grow 1 plant !


Active Member
don't use cfl's. Use hps.

1. Spend $ 400 on gear - 3x3 tent, 400w hps, carbon scrubber/exhaust fan.

2. Get seeds or a clone is possible, and plant it in organic potting soil mixed with espoma organic ferts and dolomite lime.

3. Grow under constant light for two months, topping twice during that time and use tap water. Out in a larger pot at 3 and 7 weeks.

4. Change light to 12/12 at 8 weeks.

5. Continue water and organic ferts for 2 months and watch for pests and problems.

6. Harvest your quarter pound of organic home grown.

7. Profit


Active Member
Hey man, some people swear by CFL. especially if your only doing a few plants or its your first. CFL hasnt disappointed me one bit!
Not hating on CFLs...I used them myself when I started out. Also, my last grow was mainly CFL with an hour or two of HPS per day, due to electricity costs. While you can grow smokeable bud under CFLs, there's a world of difference between that and buds grown under HPS. If someone is only growing one plant, and investing a good 6 months into it, it would probably make sense to give that plant the best conditions possible. Flowering under CFL's also takes longer...people say about 2-3 weeks longer, but from personal experience, i can say it's even longer that that...I recently harvested a 9 week grapegod after 3 solid months of flowering under a 65 watt cfl with some support from a 12 watt LED and 250-400 watt hps, and not even all of the buds were done!


Well-Known Member
"....Could anyone please tell me very simply step by step on how to grow......"

check out some grow guides, and really bone up on the subject, before engaging in indoor gardening........imo

Alexander Supertramp

Well-Known Member
Hi, I want to grow just 1 plant in my attic, I have read so much on this and am confused. Could anyone please tell me very simply step by step on how to grow, I dont want to spend much either, so cheaper the better, as long as it does the job and grows the plant. Also could you include the materials I will need, should I build a small hut so the plant is enclosed with the heat and light? Can I use normal tap water? What lights do I need?flourescent? UV? And do I need a heat lamp? How many hours do I have them on for? How often do I water them etc, I need to know the very basics of how to grow a weed plant, thanks a lot for all your help!!!!
Why dont we just grow it for you.....


Active Member
Yes ii think you should do some reading on forums and watch some u tube video and see what is out there ,myself i would say get a 24" t 5 set up you can get the flower bulbs for that also , and yes it will grow you some smoke ,but it wont be what you are looking for ,you need HPS to get those buds big and dense ,but have fun it is a learning exp. just do some research all it really is ,is a weed .Cajun