Help identify these small black flies.


I have had these small black flies outbreak the last week of my grow. They do not look like gnats or anything else i have seen common with these plants. I am running ebb and grow and the larvae is in my res. The larvae have large antennas and big black eyes clear in color. Once they start to fly the have large wings and a square shaped body. Tried mosquito dunks and neem oil no luck. Just trying to get a ideal of what I am up against . Any help would be awesome.



I am guessing yes since when I drain my pots some end up in my resivour. Very small white larvae.


Yeah not a fungus gnat. The fungus gnats body is larger then it's wings, the bugs I have the wings are at least double the size of the body.and these have a square body ,fungus gnats have more of a slender body. Sorry hard to take a picture of something so small. But If you zoom in you can get a good look at it. Maybe I can find a better zoom.


Well-Known Member
Look like aphids. Can you mag those pics up? Look for 2 snorkles on their butts.


Well-Known Member
Looks like aphids to me!!

First pic has fungus gnat fliers(pointy butt) Second pic is a root aphid flier. The crawlers are root aphids. Yum Yum!!


Notice the wings on the root aphid are much longer than the body and the two little pointy things on the butts.
We're talk'en about 100x magnification here.

Judging from the numbers on your sticky trap, you better do something really soon!!


Thanks , yeah I used some sn90 in the res and it wiped them out. Put a new sticky up and not one bug on it or any in the room. Works well if anyone else has that issues. Thanks for the help guys.


Well-Known Member
If your not in flower, you can use some kind of IMID product. That should completely eradicate the little bastards.

What you have is very serious. These things will kill your plants if you don't take action.

How many fliers did you catch, in what time frame? They only turn into fliers when the root mass is maxed out where they live.