Help identifying an unknown pure sativa strain?


I have some seeds of an unknown 100% sativa strain that has "HG" on the label, along with the number "100" placed in what looks like an element table square. Anyone have any ideas on what this might be? I've looked and looked and the only two ideas I can come up with are hawaiian gold or HOG. I'm not able to come ask this person on what the strain is, and i don't quite yet have any product to judge from. I can confirm it is an extremely dominant sativa for sure though, but i'm not quite sure about 100%. It is labeled to be only sativa, but i've never heard of a PURE sativa strain before. Thanks for your help anyone, and i'm sorry i'm not able to give more information. I'm just so curious as to what it might be!


Well-Known Member
Did ya get these from a friend? Sure he just didn't use an old vial for mercury and put your seeds in it?


Well-Known Member
I bet its some random crosses of 2 straight sativa plants put in an old chem vial. It's probably a 100 Gram mercury sample tube. I'm curious if they will still germinate. I wonder if it has any effect on the seeds is what I mean.


Well-Known Member
^^^^ just what I was thinking. I like to pan and sluice for gold as a hobby and mercury is still around like that. I for one never, NEVER, use it for my prospecting. In fact I've collected a lot of used mercury and lead from creeks and rivers and dispose of it properly.


They definitely germinate, I have some white widow that are going great also from the same type of vials. There was never anything like mercury contained in them, i'm positive on that. You can trust me that the seeds are legit as far as they are sativa dominant and that the person wasn't ripping me off (at least not intentionally, they would've been hurting themselves too). They're all feminized as well, I only germ'd two of the HG(?) since they're supposed to be pure sativa, waiting for warmer weather so they can be grown more to their full potential. I'm only using CFL's as well, and this one has had its top cut off since it wasn't bouncing back from supercropping like the others.



Oh, i feel dumb i understand now why some of you were saying mercury lol. HG is an abbreviation of the strain i'm sure because on the white widow vial there was a WW.


Well-Known Member
As far as strains himalaya gold, holy grail, high-grade, haze something, or Hawaiian something. IDK wish I could help. I've had a few bag seeds through the years that I wished I knew what they were. Whatever it is, I'd like to see it good for ya. GL

Bear Country

Well-Known Member
I have some seeds of an unknown 100% sativa strain that has "HG" on the label, along with the number "100" placed in what looks like an element table square. Anyone have any ideas on what this might be? I've looked and looked and the only two ideas I can come up with are hawaiian gold or HOG. I'm not able to come ask this person on what the strain is, and i don't quite yet have any product to judge from. I can confirm it is an extremely dominant sativa for sure though, but i'm not quite sure about 100%. It is labeled to be only sativa, but i've never heard of a PURE sativa strain before. Thanks for your help anyone, and i'm sorry i'm not able to give more information. I'm just so curious as to what it might be!
There are many "pure sativa" strains world wide. As far as what they could be...thats anyone's guess. Unless you can make contact with the person that you got them from. Perhaps they would know. But I know from my own experience with working on breeding projects that I label seeds in many different ways for many different reasons. Of course I keep a journal and know the exact genetics of what is what but what you might have on your hands is someones random attempt at breeding or it could even possibly be a pure sativa. Final answer...who knows what they are! Your best bet is to try to get that info from whoever you got them from.


i might have a gem or a dud, i guess i won't know until i have one chopped and dried! i'm sure i'll share it on here once i finish one