Help identifying root rot


New Member
Here is my plan,

Rinse roots with squirt bottle of 3% H202 to remove brown staining/ slime. I’m also going to increase my reservoir UC roots concentration too 3ml/gallon from 1.5ml/gallon
The bottle says too dose from 2-5 ml a week.
Rinse hydroton from top.

What do you guys think? Will it help my problem. Any other advice would be appreciated.


Well-Known Member
Fantastic advice about flushing etc, was already given. Just to use nutrients too. Your roots aren't that bad. Infected, yes. But not out of control.
If it was me.
If you already have lots of oxy. I know it's a pain in the arse. But I'd be flushing, and changing the reservoir a couple times a day, until it clears.
It shouldn't take long. Maybe a week, tops.
A little h2o2 wouldn't hurt either.
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New Member
Fantastic advice about flushing etc, was already given. Just to use nutrients too. Your roots aren't that bad. Infected, yes. But not out of control.
If it was me.
If you already have lots of oxy. I know it's a pain in the arse. But I'd be flushing, and changing the reservoir a couple times a day, until it clears.
It shouldn't take long. Maybe a week, tops.
A little h2o2 wouldn't hurt either.
With just plain ph’d water?


Well-Known Member
UC roots recommends not dosing H202 and increase dose to 5-10ml until root problems improve.
I have 29% H202, should I mix a small amount and clean the roots?
Diluted 10: 1 = ~ 3% solution. Start there to be safe. Plus, 3% knocks out most critters anyway. I wouldn't increase %, but spray more often. If eggs are involved, you gotta repeat several times a day to make sure none survive


New Member
UC Roots has on there website that if battling a pathogen to increase dosage to 5-10ml/gallon in solution and run that strength until roots improve and go back to regular dosage. Should I do the consecutive flushes or follow the instructions for getting rid of root rot from UC Roots?


New Member
Sorry guys I forgot to take pictures. When I checked the roots yesterday, they were a lot worse. I spent a couple hours last night draining, cleaning, sterilizing everything. Rinsed of the roots with 3%h202 and rinsed with water. Was able to get all the Decayed matter off. Filled the reservoir with low nutes, some root enhancer for the damage and the highest dose of UC roots RECOMENDED 10ml/gallon. I’m at work now and the system is cycling st home. Should I do another res change today? Or let the sterilizing agent work for a couple days and then change? Also flushed the media really well

I’ll post some pics when home tonite