Help Identifying the problem


Well-Known Member

So My plants are completely healthy besides one little things, The very bottom fan leaves are dying and getting necrosis in random spots. Like I said it is only the very very bottom fan leaves everything above them is healthy, also the plants are flowering pretty slowly they have been 12/12 from seed on month 2 now and they barely are forming pistil clusters.

Could I have a deficiency causing the necrosis and slow flowering?

My guess is I have a deficiency probably Potassium. The PH in the soil is fine between 6 and 6.5

I used FFOF soil to start.


as you can see on some it starts out as Chlorosis and turns yellow but some leaves die like ash black which I believe is necrosis

suggestion would be great


Well-Known Member
What nutes have they had other than ocean forest? If none then start feeding, if they have then back off. Sorry don't have a more in depth explanation, I gave up trying to get down to that level years ago. I see it as over/under fert and really nothing else :) without getting into ph and other things that is.

I ask myself, am I over feeding them? That's one thing I love about hydro, there is no guessing.


Well-Known Member
They have had some xtreme nutrient additives which looked like it would have been enough but maybe it wasn't
It kinda looks like a cal/mag issue just my poinion but your ph levels would suggest that as well. Ph seems a littile low for soil . Some say 6.5 is ideal which every one grows their own way and there really is no wrong way as long as the plants don't die. Im supprised you got fox farms that low in ph. I have trouble getting below 6.7 its such a great buffer. I usally try to keep between 6.8 and 7.0 so you can absorb just about everything available. If your not feeding cal mag its pretty cheap and a tsp per gallon will do you.


Well-Known Member
It kinda looks like a cal/mag issue just my poinion but your ph levels would suggest that as well. Ph seems a littile low for soil . Some say 6.5 is ideal which every one grows their own way and there really is no wrong way as long as the plants don't die. Im supprised you got fox farms that low in ph. I have trouble getting below 6.7 its such a great buffer. I usally try to keep between 6.8 and 7.0 so you can absorb just about everything available. If your not feeding cal mag its pretty cheap and a tsp per gallon will do you.

View attachment 2466883

When the spot started did they llok like this?
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I am really leaning away from PH issue, could be cal or MG. I have plenty of products. I say not a PH because I tend to believe a different chart

I believe that My ph could be letting less Cal and mag in but the other chart can confuse people and make then think that anything below 6.5 will lock out cal and mag which it doesn't just makes it less efficient.

Also I have been feeding them a heavy amount of Xtreme Juice

Packed Full of micros plus Cal and Mag

Although I just looked and I thought it had more Calmag in it...

Just before bedtime today I gave it a heavy feeding of Maxigrow From GH and the Xtreme additive Line.

They are big girls they can handle it I highly doubt they will burn at 2000ppm at the size they are now.

After looking at the bottle you might be right, if more leaves on the bottom continue to worsen I am going to throw in either CaliMagic from GH or the Cal and Mag from Cutting Edge


Well-Known Member
What nutes have they had other than ocean forest? If none then start feeding, if they have then back off. Sorry don't have a more in depth explanation, I gave up trying to get down to that level years ago. I see it as over/under fert and really nothing else :) without getting into ph and other things that is.

I ask myself, am I over feeding them? That's one thing I love about hydro, there is no guessing.
I just gave them a heavy feeding of Macros and additives for the Micros among flowering stimulaters, see what happens. If it continues my next diagnoses is Cal Mag like ammendment said
I'm kinda leaning to P. I run a full nute line so not had the issue.
Yea I was thinking the same but leaning more toward K, at the same time I have been trying to keep the P a little lower because of the whole Super high P myth for flowering. Even still a lot of my stuff yhas a decent amount of P in it so If it was P or K it should get better pretty quick here
Dont belive in a "ph issue" persay (ph is a side effect not a cause) I bet this shit would grow in battery acid if you let it, :D but you understood what I was saying. I had what looks to be the same problem at week 5 in FFOF and a little cal/mag went along way. those pics whre the beginning of it. im not claiming a cure all just looked familure is all, and ph is well BS most the time but it can help point out a problem. Just my 2 cents .


Active Member
I keep hearing PH is overrated in soil, because the ph of your water + nutes won't be the oh of the soil (i guess unless there's nothing going on down there)

Plants canabalize their lower leaves. you're in flowering, the plant is preparing to produce seeds and die, it's getting rid of the lower leaves it knows don't matter. If the issue becoms widespread or shows up in areas that get alot of light then maybe it's worth freaking out about.

You can definitely do more damage than good if you fiddle with stuff while it's flowering. So be careful.


Well-Known Member
I keep hearing PH is overrated in soil, because the ph of your water + nutes won't be the oh of the soil (i guess unless there's nothing going on down there)

Plants canabalize their lower leaves. you're in flowering, the plant is preparing to produce seeds and die, it's getting rid of the lower leaves it knows don't matter. If the issue becoms widespread or shows up in areas that get alot of light then maybe it's worth freaking out about.

You can definitely do more damage than good if you fiddle with stuff while it's flowering. So be careful.
be careful when you say cannabalize themselves....I got flamed by some douche for stating it like that lol. They use the nutes in older leaves is basically eating itself but that douche just kept flaming. "PFFT that idiot says plants eat themselves"

but yea I was taught that plants will pull nutrients from un needed places for new growth
be careful when you say cannabalize themselves....I got flamed by some douche for stating it like that lol. They use the nutes in older leaves is basically eating itself but that douche just kept flaming. "PFFT that idiot says plants eat themselves"

but yea I was taught that plants will pull nutrients from un needed places for new growth
GOt a update?

I think Plants eating themselves is a fair statment, Thats what they are doing, In fact im battling that right now and considering a bit of N to counter it if it aint too late. Some people just have too much time on their hands and need to troll to make them selves feel good I suppose. (woo your growing a plant that can surrvie almost anywhere and you think your good at it) Jacks asses.