Oh boy I’m in a little trouble. Growing in soil, LED lighting (300 actual watt LED light I built from instructions hereand feeding with advanced nutrients. Soil PH is 7 and I started in small pots so I may have a couple issues here. It appears to be at least partly a Magnesium deficiency but I feel like there is more at play here.
more info: I feed every other day with 2 cups each plant.
1/4 oz of each of the three advanced nutrients in a gallon of water.
pots were 1 gallon and just changed to 3 gallon last week. I know I waited too long so that’s one issue
Currently about 30 days into flowering and want to salvage if at all possible
Stated a Foliar feed with magnesium but won’t be able to tell for a bit if it’s helping. Took a few photos but any help available or advise would be great. Grabbing calcium today because I know I need it in general but will wait for advise before adding anything more.
Any help is greatly appreciated!

more info: I feed every other day with 2 cups each plant.
1/4 oz of each of the three advanced nutrients in a gallon of water.
pots were 1 gallon and just changed to 3 gallon last week. I know I waited too long so that’s one issue
Currently about 30 days into flowering and want to salvage if at all possible
Stated a Foliar feed with magnesium but won’t be able to tell for a bit if it’s helping. Took a few photos but any help available or advise would be great. Grabbing calcium today because I know I need it in general but will wait for advise before adding anything more.
Any help is greatly appreciated!