Help! I’m a little late and hoping to salvage

Oh boy I’m in a little trouble. Growing in soil, LED lighting (300 actual watt LED light I built from instructions hereand feeding with advanced nutrients. Soil PH is 7 and I started in small pots so I may have a couple issues here. It appears to be at least partly a Magnesium deficiency but I feel like there is more at play here.
more info: I feed every other day with 2 cups each plant.
1/4 oz of each of the three advanced nutrients in a gallon of water.
pots were 1 gallon and just changed to 3 gallon last week. I know I waited too long so that’s one issue
Currently about 30 days into flowering and want to salvage if at all possible
Stated a Foliar feed with magnesium but won’t be able to tell for a bit if it’s helping. Took a few photos but any help available or advise would be great. Grabbing calcium today because I know I need it in general but will wait for advise before adding anything more.
Any help is greatly appreciated!
Did this happen after you fed it or before?

and you say you gave 1/4 oz which is just under 8ml of each nutrient part.. that may have been too much. Do you always... or have you always fed that much? Seems like using the recommended doses on the bottles may be too much for some plants.
Did this happen after you fed it or before?

and you say you gave 1/4 oz which is just under 8ml of each nutrient part.. that may have been too much. Do you always... or have you always fed that much? Seems like using the recommended doses on the bottles may be too much for some plants.
This is the third grow, so far it’s been good but this is a new strain. I also feed every water which may have been too much (wasn’t for the other grows but who knows). I think I got root lock from too small pots and not transplanting until a few days ago :( I did check that source and that’s where I got the magnesium issue possibility. Thanks for the help, all other help is welcome!!!
cut back on nutes next feed by 50%. See if the issue gets worsened (It shouldn't unless you are off on PH - Lockout of certain nutes)

If she reacts well.. then she's just getting too much food.

She also needs to adjust to the new pot.

I myself just micro dose with every watering now to avoid lack of nutes and over feeding.
cut back on nutes next feed by 50%. See if the issue gets worsened (It shouldn't unless you are off on PH - Lockout of certain nutes)

If she reacts well.. then she's just getting too much food.

She also needs to adjust to the new pot.

I myself just micro dose with every watering now to avoid lack of nutes and over feeding.
Thanks! I did feed today, I’ll give her some time with just water. Soil and water are both at almost exactly 7PH. Also added a lot of pearlite to the initial soil, about 30% to 70% soil and it had a bit of pearlite as well, not sure if that is exacerbating my issue. I think I just waited too long and I didn’t aerate the compacted soil from the small pots when I put in the new pots. Much appreciated!
If anyone else has experienced this issue I’d love all the advise I can get, I learn something new each grow!
Hydro, you have to ask what soil they grow in, if they don't provide that off the top. So... what soil is that? Almost looks like more coco than anything else. Plants don't adjust to new pots; the roots grow but that's all the adjusting that takes place. It's not a calcium or mag issue.
Hydro, you have to ask what soil they grow in, if they don't provide that off the top. So... what soil is that? Almost looks like more coco than anything else. Plants don't adjust to new pots; the roots grow but that's all the adjusting that takes place. It's not a calcium or mag issue.
Yea I see. I did see that Soil was mentioned tho and went off that. If the soil came with nutes in it.. they have to been spent by now. So I really didn't think the soil type would matter. Still getting thru my noob stages lol I just had my 1st harvest. They haven't even been drying for 24 hrs yet.

I myself have a lot to learn still.
Hydro, you have to ask what soil they grow in, if they don't provide that off the top. So... what soil is that? Almost looks like more coco than anything else. Plants don't adjust to new pots; the roots grow but that's all the adjusting that takes place. It's not a calcium or mag issue.
It was potting soil with added pearlite no coco but did have nutes (was all that was available at the time) spent the first 4 weeks just with water to use up what was in there then started slowly with nutes. No issues till after flowering and the stretch was over but the pots were really small and roots had really taken over so I knew I should have transplanted earlier.
Also it’s clearly a bottom up issue so I’m not sure how you can rule out magnesium so easily but please let me know what you think it is. It’s easier for me to work with what you think it is than what your sure it’s not.
Are you suppose to use all three advanced ferts? I don't think it's either calcium or mag. I think it's an NPK problem, meaning I don't know exactly what's wrong, but I don't see the spotting that is associated with either cal def or mag def. What if just one advanced container is enough? Based on that and the color, I wonder if you're giving to much of one thing and not enough of another.
Hydrokid, if this is a new thing for you, you might be doing others a favor if you'd stop giving your opinion. You'll just create confusion for people that need help. Interesting you make a comment on a soil grow when you call yourself Hydrokid. You've only done one grow? Was it soil or hydro?
Are you suppose to use all three advanced ferts? I don't think it's either calcium or mag. I think it's an NPK problem, meaning I don't know exactly what's wrong, but I don't see the spotting that is associated with either cal def or mag def. What if just one advanced container is enough? Based on that and the color, I wonder if you're giving to much of one thing and not enough of another.
Hydrokid, if this is a new thing for you, you might be doing others a favor if you'd stop giving your opinion. You'll just create confusion for people that need help. Interesting you make a comment on a soil grow when you call yourself Hydrokid. You've only done one grow? Was it soil or hydro?
Do others a favor and keep my opinion to myself? But you said it looked like coco? Don't worry about my screen name in a forum man.. it has nothing to do with anything related to me other that I like water.

I grow in soil.
I ran into issues during my 1st grow. (PS my second run is in 5th week of flower doing fantastic)
I use the same nutrient line...

With that said I think my opinion is qualified.. but thanks for watching out for ppl who just talk and not know.

Next time if you wanna help.. just tend to the OP's question or issue if you can help... and then pull someone to the side.
You're making statements that show you really don't know what you're saying, like the roots have to adjust to a new pot. Can you explain what that is and how you know it? Lockout of nutrients is a bit of a myth. Plants are able to adjust pH at the root zone, provided the soil isn't badly over loaded. Your opinion isn't qualified. It's only your opinion.
"and then pull someone to the side." Um, okay, whatever that means....
You're making statements that show you really don't know what you're saying, like the roots have to adjust to a new pot. Can you explain what that is and how you know it? Lockout of nutrients is a bit of a myth. Plants are able to adjust pH at the root zone, provided the soil isn't badly over loaded. Your opinion isn't qualified. It's only your opinion.
"and then pull someone to the side." Um, okay, whatever that means....
Google transplant shock... and by adjust.. it's a few things that could have happened during transplant.. like the roots being damaged. Roots needing to take to the new surrounding soil. Some plants droop in the days right after transplant.

You can go back to not knowing how to help this person now. You literally came in here to tell me whatever it was your keyboard spit out, and said nothing to help the user. That's troll activity if you ask me.. but then again I got 1 grow (Which smells like heaven btw) and it's drying as we sit here.

What do I know?
Hey guys, just to be clear the advanced nutrients is a 3 part system and I’ve never had an issue before.
second the issues started before transplant, I transplanted BECAUSE of this issue and it’s slowed but I’m hoping not to cause more problems. Everything I’ve read said yellowing leaves from the bottom up but still soft is most likely magnesium but of course there could be other issues and I’m hoping I can address those
2 cups seems light for a 3 gallon pot, 4 weeks in. Did you water good when/after you went from 1 to 3 gal? Did the dirt have food in it? Reading back again, your not organic or anything, have you ever gave them a good flush and reset with light nutes?
2 cups seems light for a 3 gallon pot, 4 weeks in. Did you water good when/after you went from 1 to 3 gal? Did the dirt have food in it? Reading back again, your not organic or anything, have you ever gave them a good flush and reset with light nutes?
The 2 cups was due to the smaller pots, there is so much pearlite in there that I get a cup of runoff if I go up to 3 but I probably should do a good flush. Have not reset, I believe I have to put 5 times the pot volume of water as a flush? This is good advise, please elaborate on these because I’ve done a few grows but I’m still super new in the game. I’ll flush today if that can help! My water is 7PH, should I leave it at that and is my assumption for the amount correct? Much appreciated
The 2 cups was due to the smaller pots, there is so much pearlite in there that I get a cup of runoff if I go up to 3 but I probably should do a good flush. Have not reset, I believe I have to put 5 times the pot volume of water as a flush? This is good advise, please elaborate on these because I’ve done a few grows but I’m still super new in the game. I’ll flush today if that can help! My water is 7PH, should I leave it at that and is my assumption for the amount correct? Much appreciated
I haven’t grown in dirt for about 5-6 years, looks like a few issues to me, I would plain water till about 20% runoff, make sure it all gets saturated good, I like to water good then come back in 10 for a rinse, if it’s dry I felt it helped get the rootball good. You can measure the ec runoff if you want, could indicate some cause. I usually ph’ed my water but I was growing in peat and perlite not potting soil. Seeing your using a 3 part I’m disregarding the don’t flush soil thing. I used soil with pellets in my outdoor this year, used what I had on hand so it’s 1/3 peat too. I just flushed it out and continued my dry salts moving forward, watering with good runoff every time. Looks hungry, making sure it can eat is what I would start with, lack of of lockout, reset.
I might add that I dont think it looks that bad, what’s dead is dead. You have a ways to go so stopping more from dying asap is important, the weeks ahead is when the magic happens too. Going into week 5 the feed should be there. Are you just 1/4 off the bottle? Have you searched the forum for anyone’s feed charts using the 3 part? What’s your water supply, tap? Light distance?
You're making statements that show you really don't know what you're saying, like the roots have to adjust to a new pot. Can you explain what that is and how you know it? Lockout of nutrients is a bit of a myth. Plants are able to adjust pH at the root zone, provided the soil isn't badly over loaded. Your opinion isn't qualified. It's only your opinion.
"and then pull someone to the side." Um, okay, whatever that means....
I think what he's saying is you can offer advice without coming across like a dick. People trying to help people in my mind is never a bad thing.
I might add that I dont think it looks that bad, what’s dead is dead. You have a ways to go so stopping more from dying asap is important, the weeks ahead is when the magic happens too. Going into week 5 the feed should be there. Are you just 1/4 off the bottle? Have you searched the forum for anyone’s feed charts using the 3 part? What’s your water supply, tap? Light distance?
I pulled the feeding from the website for Advanced nutrients and it had worked in the past, the difference here is I tried to run more of a ScROG and dropped to much smaller pots and never transplanted until after issues arose. Noob move so paying the price. I’m in the middle of flushing now, I run tap through a filter then PHing the water and checking runoff PH and PPM. Think my soil was a bit higher than I thought too so a good flush can’t hurt. Your advise is great and I appreciate it. Will stay on this and update as it goes. I’m terrible with watering, after a big flush how long should I go before watering again. I usually wait until 1/4 inch is dry on the soil but I still seem to overwater.
One more thing to mention. Even though I let the soil dry out and runoff is closer to 40% I seem to have some fungus gnats so that is confusing me as well.
Water is going in at 6.5 and coming out @7.1 PH and 550 PPM mid way through the first plant being flushed.