Help!! I'm leaving my girls. What would be the easiest way to feed them for 2 weeks


Active Member
I'm running to small closet grows. One with 400w hps, the other 250w hps/mh.

Each contains 6 girls growing in 6 ,5 and 11 liter pots with soil and Biobizz nutrients.

Not long from now I'll be going away for 2 weeks.

One grow will be 5 weeks into bloom the other I'll change to 12/12 just before leaving.

Has anyone got a safe and easy way to water my plants while I'm away?


Get some of those globes you fill with water. Or empty plastic pop bottles work also. Just fill them up stick them in the soil and they water as needed. Not ideal but it works.


Active Member
Get 1-2 gallon water jugs at the store and poke a small hole in the bottom, a very small drip. Then set your pots in drip pans and either water plants and let dishes fill up and start jugs. I went away for 8 days and got away with it. Had to move lights before I left so plants stretched, and were a little beat up. They lived!


Active Member
Best thing to do would really have someone babysit or check in once or twice. 2 weeks is pushing it.


Active Member
Yep. My uncle did it for me.
Get somebody you absolutly trust.

And have CLEAR instructions.
Or else you may be in for a rude awakening.

No way around it with a 2 week leave never know
what could happen need somebody checkin it anyway.


Well-Known Member
Get some of those globes you fill with water. Or empty plastic pop bottles work also. Just fill them up stick them in the soil and they water as needed. Not ideal but it works.

I went to Miami a couple weeks ago for 7 days. I purchased a couple Aqua Globes. 2 packs actually(each pack comes with 2). Put 2 in each plant, when I got back they had done great. Didnt notice any problems, except they grew about another 6inches, which is a good problem :D