help imn so fucked

o B12UT4L o

qwerty0260 why dont you check your spelling before you rip somone else. I hate douchebags that do that! It is funny when they correct somone and then missspell a word 4 times in 3 posts themselves!!!!!! Definitely is not spelled "definately" now go edit it then deny it! LMAO


Well-Known Member
Hey B12UT4L. I love how fucking nerds like yourself spell words with numbers. Why can't you just spell it with letters. That could be the reason you ate lunch in high school everyday by yourself in the bathroom. Just a thought.

o B12UT4L o

qwerty0260 referenced tiny penis or childs penis at least 4 or 5 times i think he is the "peddy" and your not so funny comment about numbers instead of letters brutal was already taken so i had to change it. Lol u really are a douche!


Active Member
i wpuld keep them for yourself since ya boy said something already! tell him they died & you plant them in the woods where only you know about it! make sure you plant it where it doesnt flood. i planted in the woods once & it rained real bad & flooded my shit out!!!


Active Member
lol why do you need a grow partner for 3 plants? And why would you be loyal to a partner who already betrayed your trust. You should punch your "partner" in the fucking balls.... He's the problem, first rule in growing is tell know one your growing. At least that's what i've read since i clearly don't grow :)

100% Correct! Just You & Almighty Father God!


Active Member
qwerty0260, why do you keep refering to high school? Oh I get it, you too are a child who's a little touchy on the age thing. I get it sport.
By the way, peddy is not a word. I'm going out on a limb here to assume you meant petty, as in small, trivial or small minded. But I'm sure you knew that. Have a good one champ!


Active Member
hey kid check it out if you want to risk growing atleast wait till your out of your parents house. if you get pinched because your friend has a big mouth and a cop in the family your parents can loose there house and everything they worked for. ive been known to be a fuck up from time to time hell im on house arrest now lol but my actions have never hurt anyone but myself. so turn 18 move out on your own and if you still want to risk it there will be a line of damn fine growers waiting here to help you.

so i say get rid of them and wait till you have the means for a good grow sometime down the line