Help implimenting 400W HPS


Well-Known Member
I have 10 plants in a 2' X 4' X 6' box I made to grow under 4 foot T5 HO lamps. I have 2 4 foot 4 tube fixtures - 8 tubes total. Plants are Barney's Farm Blue Cheese, really bushy. I am flowering them now but only at day 10 of 12/12. The T5's are awesome but experienced people say HPS is the way to go for good bud production. Right now my ventilation is a 170 CFM 4" inline fan sucking through a 4" carbon filter. Passive intake vent down low, inline fan blows out up high so good airflow through the box. If I replace my fluoros with a 400 W HPS for flowering, will my ventilation set up keep the temps below 90?? Right now, shutting the fan down for an hour to let sugar & yeast do some CO2 action the temp will climb to 90 from my fluoros but turning the fan back on dropd the temp to 77 pretty quickly. I'd really like to use a 400 HPS but the temp thing is a concern. The T5's I'm using now are burning 432 watts. Any advice would be gratefully welcome!

Thanks ,

Jerry Garcia

Well-Known Member
I'm not sure 170cfm will be enough to pull through a carbon filter as well as adequately cool the room. My 400hps gets HOT...

Let's see what others have to say though...

Little Tommy

Well-Known Member
If you get an air cooled fixture you should be fine. Once I air cooled my 400 HPS I had no problems keeping temps between 72F - 80F.


Well-Known Member
I'll get out the trusty jigsaw, make some holes, and go the air cooled hood route. My plants are getting used to construction in their home!

If you get an air cooled fixture you should be fine. Once I air cooled my 400 HPS I had no problems keeping temps between 72F - 80F.