help is it male

Hey this is my first grow . Got 3 afgahn plants nearly 3 weeks in to flowering one of them has got like small little balls but not like a male . I looked at other pics and it looks total diffrent its just on the main steam half. Way up . Sorry no camera . Can any one plz give me sum pics of a early male plant . Don't no to get rid and leave the two . But don't want to throw it out if its not a male . The seeds I got were femenised . So could it b a hermie . Pics and any help much thanks . One other prob is that plant is the leaves r yellowing and got black spots check and don't think its spider mites the other two plants have got yellow edges think that's nuite burn water ever two or 3 days wi big bloom . Help ok thanks

smokey green

Active Member
hard to tell without pics...but sounds like you have a hermie on your hands especially since you said you have fem seeds...they tend to hermie...Is it a little cluster of balls...or just one ball at the nodes? If its a cluster, chances are you had one hermie and pollinate your plants....
What is Sig .. ? . I so wish I could give photo . I can't cut them off . cause they r not sticking out . Its like ruffled on the stem they r like tiny wee balls . Would it be all over the plant if it was male . Cause its only one tiny bit on the stem no where. Else on the plant


Well-Known Member
look below what i have written there are some links

Starting Your Seeds Identifying Sex Lighting Information

click on the link that says Identifying Sex

or click here >>

What is Sig .. ? . I so wish I could give photo . I can't cut them off . cause they r not sticking out . Its like ruffled on the stem they r like tiny wee balls . Would it be all over the plant if it was male . Cause its only one tiny bit on the stem no where. Else on the plant
Mantisn that was a perfect . Post . Mines looks totaly like the first pic . On that link so . I think it will n fem . The male pics with the ones with the clear balls is not like mine . I will let it grow and keep an eye on it but hopefully all good . Thanks so much for the post . Girls all the way now ha ha


Well-Known Member
then you have some plant vagina my friend...

glad to help :)

Mantisn that was a perfect . Post . Mines looks totaly like the first pic . On that link so . I think it will n fem . The male pics with the ones with the clear balls is not like mine . I will let it grow and keep an eye on it but hopefully all good . Thanks so much for the post . Girls all the way now ha ha
Hey mants I just had a look again and all the plants have that big oval thing round each. Bit of the stock so is that they r all hemies