
Well-Known Member
First, no one can tell anything with the pics with the LED on... Your second pic, i can see quite a bit of amber trichs and appears to be ripe. But on the 4th pic, looks like it needs more time... Are they the same plant?


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone I need some help I cant figure out if my plants are ready or not I have a few pictures I will post hopefully someone can take a look and let me know
Neither IMO Def a few weeks Looked like 2nd has a lotta clear still along with those few amber and the calyx could still swell significantly


Well-Known Member
Still early. You made it this s far...wait until those calyx me. Learned the hard way.

The calyx's will appear almost as if they have seeds in them.

Get you an Andonstar USB microscope off 25 bucks. Inspect your trichs....if they are all mostly cloudy then your ready.

All comments and pictures posted by the entity known as packetloss314 are completely fiction and at times outright lies. All content was copied from the internet and all statements are from the mind of a lunatic


Well-Known Member
Simple answer to your question…

They don't look ready from the pictures, but you still need to look at the trichs to know for sure.


Well-Known Member
Hard to tell under the lighting you have should have took the photos lights of with flash on,but has far has i can see going on the last picture the answer would be no where near done.

They aint even started to bubble gum up aka crowed,once the crowns get fat wait till they swollow the very last pistol then there cooked

bird dog

Well-Known Member
Hey everyone I need some help I cant figure out if my plants are ready or not I have a few pictures I will post hopefully someone can take a look and let me know
Your plants are ready to harvest when YOU say they are ready. All of us growers have different preferences when it come to harvest time. Some like a more speedy high, some like it on the couch. All of your pictures show between 10% and 20% amber trichs and most others are showing milky. If they were here, I would give them another week and get real serious with my 30x (examples attached). You would have good smoke if you harvested right now, as well. I like around 25% amber because I only use the recliner (lol). Pictures of your plants would help and take the trichs pics during lights off. Looks like you did a good job from what I can see. Good luck. Peace



thanks guys my magnifier broke a couple days ago and i bought one yesterday a lot of buds look milky i could take more photos and those are from 3 different plants i have more then that just took pictures quickly didnt have much time. I will post some better pictures thank you everyone for your opinions I greatly appreciate it every year I run into the same problem is it ready to be cut down or not


Well-Known Member
Best thread on ripeness on RIU is fdd2blk post on harvesting.

All comments and pictures posted by the entity known as packetloss314 are completely fiction and at times outright lies. All content was copied from the internet and all statements are from the mind of a lunatic


Well-Known Member
I agree. 2nd pic looks like it's close. Lots of sugar leaves on the 4th pic, hard to tell. You just don't want to miss them swelling up, which can occur in the last 2 weeks. IMHO, if the pistols are 75% changed to brown, and the trichomes are mostly cloudy, I'd be checking them daily, waiting for them to pop.

bird dog

Well-Known Member
thanks guys my magnifier broke a couple days ago and i bought one yesterday a lot of buds look milky i could take more photos and those are from 3 different plants i have more then that just took pictures quickly didnt have much time. I will post some better pictures thank you everyone for your opinions I greatly appreciate it every year I run into the same problem is it ready to be cut down or not
We all question ourselves dude, so ask away and just add our notes into your decision. More photo's would be great, but you may have already chopped by now. What up?


Well-Known Member
Its not just about trich color. Or hair color. Its about when each bud is ripe. I know at end its hard. DONT TOuCH. None of buds have the top nipple.t . None of the trichs have poped. Gland where seedwould be made is not swollen. the calyxs havevnot been sucked in a little bit from pistol. I go on and on. I would overdrive the shit out of the.


Well-Known Member
Sorry. Baked. How many days since first flower. Whats strain. You can put 33 pct more weight on it ifyou want to invest a bit more time and cash. It will more than pay for itself. Wahst watering fert scedulee