help is this burn or a deficiencie

poops poo 127.jpgpoops poo 129.jpgpoops poo 128.jpgpoops poo 129.jpgin veg stage about to flower tomorro top leafs yellow with looks like burn marks. middle plant nice and green but leafs curl down , bottom of plant yellow leafs dieing , i dont remember when the last time i feed her was? i dont think its was much, they are in soilless mix.
also i have 3 lil babies that look wack , maby overwatering , let me no what you think. think they were last feed with jus bio root at 400ppm strangth it has a even 1-1-1 npk .poops poo 130.jpg


Active Member
Ok ok... the first pics of the vegging plants are UNDER FED. DO NOT FLUSH. Check out the lower yellowing leaves, some are probably ready to fall off soon. Looks like a phos or potassium def starting the plants you are about to flower. If they are in a soilless mix, is it pre-ferted or are you feeding a lot? Soilless would need to be fed quite often and heavily if there was nothing to feed them in the mix. Since you said you don't remember the last time you fed them, I would guess thats it.

Also, how long did you veg them for?


Active Member
As for the 3 little babies you have there... can we have some more info? How old are they? Seed or Clones? What kind of soil are they in? What kind of lights are they under and what are the temps like?