Help Is This Pill?


Well-Known Member
If you have a low opiate tolerance and are on no opiates when you take them, that the methadone would over ride than I'd say go for it. It can be fun and VERY long lasting opiate high. Just don't over do it. By the sounds of it you don't do many opiates as last time you ended up in the ER so take a break from HL2 and look up some proper dosing and route of administration if you decide to do it. But like mescalinebandit420 said it's for people withdrawling from heroin and other moderate to high levels of opiate abuse so it can be very powerful to someone with no tolerance.


dude eat em up im a fuckin pill head dude take 2 kick back nd play some halo.... would be bomb as hell start out wit 2 pop tha other one after bout an hour nd u be feelin good nothin should go wrong unless ur alergic to opiates ha then stay away otherwise blaze up nd kick back homie.!