Help! Is this plant male?


Well-Known Member

I have these two plants (autos) growing and I'm not sure if they are male or not :( They don't seem to be getting any hairs.

I know that as these are auto's they should just start flowering on their own but as I have them in the same space as two other plants (no auto's) I have just switched the lights to 12/12 after 3 x weeks at 18/6.

The two non auto plants have nice white hairs but the two auto plants don't seem to have any hairs. I have a horrible suspicion that they could be male. The lights have been on 12/12 for the last two weeks.

Any help is much appreciated.




Well-Known Member
Thanks FinalPhase.... so... chop id down then? I will have to go get some more pics as out of the two auto's that I suspect to be male, I am unsure of which ones are pics 3 and 4... :(

Final Phase

Well-Known Member
You have two pics of the same plant from almost the same view - That's your male. The other two photos appear to be female. I'd get rid of the male fast before it polenates the other one. It happens very quickly!


Well-Known Member
Ok cool... so just for clarification:

Pic "Male" is deffo a male? I am with you on that one :)

Pic "Prob male" is a different pic of the other plant. Do you think this also looks like it could be male?

Thanks FinalPhase.


Final Phase

Well-Known Member
If both of those pics you last put up are the same plant - It's a male - 100% sure... Get some more and try again... You'll get it going!


Well-Known Member
Hmmm Thought that was the case. They are two different plants. They are in a room with two other 100% females with nice long white hairs on.

So... I guess I best get moving and chop those two bad boys down? Hopefully in time. The lights were switched to 12/12 exactly two weeks ago,

Thanks mate.